Vancouver Sun



The original Nikita series, now rerunning on Bravo Canada, is one of my all- time favourite shows. Alberta Watson, who played Madeline, is such an excellent actress, but I’ve never seen or heard anything about her since her performanc­es on this show. Can you elaborate?

Freda Freedman

The awesome Alberta HASn’t exActly been

in SecluSion. Since Nikita ended itS originAl run in 2001, tHe Toronto- born ActreSS HAS HAd SerieS roleS in The Newsroom, Show Me

Yours, 24, At the Hotel, Angela’s Eyes And The Border AS well AS gueSt AppeArAnce­S on SucH SHowS AS Heartland. No doubt you’ll be HAppy to leArn tHAt currently WAtSon iS repriSing Her former Nikita cHArActer of MAdeline Pierce, now A U. S. SenAtor, in tHe CW reboot of tHe SHow, wHicH HAS been Airing in CAnAdA on CTV Two And returnS for AnotHer SeASon tHiS fAll. I recently discovered The Closer. I thoroughly enjoy all the episodes and admire the huge cast ( compared to many detective series). How many seasons has it had? Is the series ending soon? Are the previous seasons available on DVDs?

E. Navasero

The Closer just recently ended itS Seven- SeASon run After itS Emmy AwArd- winning StAr, KyrA Sedgwick, decided SHe wAS reAdy to cAll it quitS ( tHe SHow filmed in LoS AngeleS, wHile tHe ActreSS’S fAmily, including Hubby Kevin BAcon, liveS in New York). MAny of tHe SHow’S regulArS – including MAry McDonnell, G. W. BAiley, AntHony JoHn DeniSon, MicHAel PAul CHAn And RAymond Cruz – Are repriSing tHeir cHArActerS in A Spinoff SerieS cAlled Major

Crimes, wHicH premiered on Super CHAnnel on Aug. 22. MeAnwHile, All tHe previouS SeASonS of The Closer Are AvAilAble on DVD from AmAzon. cA ( SeASon 7 will be releASed on Oct. 16).

 ??  ?? Watson: not in hiding
Watson: not in hiding

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