Vancouver Sun

UBC relocation will only delay Broadway corridor project


Re: Move UBC to Surrey to solve Broadway corridor congestion, Letters, March 9

I was incredulou­s to read D. J. Reid’s letter. What a ridiculous notion.

I am also an alumnus of UBC ( Class of 1965), and since that date I have watched UBC expand its infrastruc­ture, in all faculties. In fact I cannot think of a discipline that has not gained a new building since my time.

Further, UBC has added massive residentia­l developmen­ts.

What does D. J. Reid propose to do with the enormous infrastruc­ture at UBC? We are not just talking buildings here. We are talking about billions of dollars worth of research equipment, laboratori­es, medical facilities, theatres, lecture halls, museums, libraries and so on.

Who would want to purchase these facilities? Perhaps a casino or two. Maybe a bank would like to have its main branch there. A couple of hotels could move in. How about a Costco, or perhaps a Mountain Equipment Co- op? What about a penitentia­ry?

D. J. Reid’s proposal makes little sense. What he/ she is proposing would leave the existing campus an academic ghost town.

No, the Broadway corridor undergroun­d transit system must go ahead, no matter the extent of disruption, and the sooner the better. It should have been built years ago. An abovegroun­d light- rail system would only add to the congestion.

The longer this project is delayed, the more the cost. Let’s get it done. FRANK BROWN Gibsons

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