Vancouver Sun

Timberlake is back at the mike

On the tube, Norman Bates returns and this time Mom’s got a pulse


“You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows,” but these days, a guide through the seemingly endless flurry of pop culture offerings is just what we need. With that in mind, here is what’s on the radar screen in TV, music and film for the coming week.


Big Releases: The Croods, Olympus Has Fallen ( Friday)

Big Picture: When I first heard The Croods was about a small tribe of prehistori­c cave dwellers, I assumed it was a documentar­y about Nickelback. Turns out it’s a DreamWorks animated film about a curious young cave girl named Eep ( Emma Stone) who leads her family out into the wide world. Meanwhile, Olympus Has Fallen is about a less wonderful world outside of a much larger cave: the White House. Terrorists take over the White House and hold the president ( Aaron Eckhart) hostage. The only guy on the inside: Mike Banning ( Gerard Butler), a disgraced Secret Service agent with a penchant for two- day beard growth and tough guy one- liners.

Forecast: Despite being a cartoon with cavemen who speak perfect English, The Croods seems the more plausible film of the two. But just in case Olympus really starts pulling at audience’s credibilit­y strings, Morgan Freeman is on board as a congressma­n to gravely deliver lines like “We are talking about the safety of the President of the United States!” and “We’ve just opened the gates of hell!”

Honourable Mention: Admission ( Friday). Tina Fey plays a Princeton admission officer with a lot of experience reading essays — but no experience with young people. Paul Rudd plays a cuddly, affable guy worthy of sainthood ( Yes. AGAIN.). He unites Fey’s character with a dysfunctio­nal child prodigy — one that just might happen to be the child she gave up for secret adoption. Hilarity, and romance, ensues. To be clear, the romance is between Tina and Paul. There is No romance between mother and son. We’ll leave that to Norman Bates.


Big Event: Bates Motel ( Monday, A& E, 10 p. m.)

Big picture: Check into the Bates motel and find out how a young mama’s boy named Norman becomes the shower- slashing maniac we’ve all come to “love” … or should I say fear. Freddie Highmore plays the young, Oedipal Norman and Vera Farmiga ( Up in the Air) plays his beautiful, eerie ( and ill- fated) mother Norma. Find out why they opened the infamous Bates Motel in a quiet town — a place that turned out to have a lot of skeletons in its closet.

Forecast: The coming- of- age story of a young psycho. They could have titled it My So Called Sociopathi­c Life. Bates Motel is the brainchild of Lost’s executive producer, Carlton Cuse. But he has promised a show with no time travel, no former Party of Five cast members and absolutely no supernatur­al shenanigan­s.

Dishonoura­ble Mention: Splash, ( Tuesday, ABC, 8 p. m.): ABC’s website says: “Splash marks the first time 10 celebritie­s will train and compete in regulation platform and springboar­d diving at dizzying heights in front of a weekly poolside audience.” Hey! ABC! Do I need to explain WHY this is “the first time?” Is it because the “concept” ( and I use that word loosely) of this show reads like a Saturday Night Live skit – one of those nonsensica­l, unwatchabl­e bits that airs around 12: 45 a. m.? Is it because I fear the very existence of this show and what it says about how low humanity can go? Is it because a small, dark, empty part of me wants to WATCH the likes of comedian Louie Anderson and basketball legend Kareem- Abdul Jabbar debase themselves? Probably. Cannonball!


Big release: Justin Timberlake, The 20/ 20 Experience ( Tuesday)

Big picture: They say hindsight is 20/ 20. I assume that’s where JT’s album title comes from. Mr. Timberlake has plenty of regrets to draw his 20/ 20 Experience from — from dating Britney Spears to spending seven years trying to become an A- list movie star at the expense of what he does best: dance and sing. But Timberlake proves he’s the heir to Michael on his new album.

Forecast: 20/ 20 isn’t as polished and cohesive as FutureSex/ LoveSounds — but it has more hits than misses. It offers a Justin Timberlake who seems mature, comfortabl­e and effortless­ly cool.

 ?? THEO WARGO/ GETTY IMAGES ?? Justin Timberlake is back with a new album, The 20/ 20 Experience, and doing what he does best — singing and dancing.
THEO WARGO/ GETTY IMAGES Justin Timberlake is back with a new album, The 20/ 20 Experience, and doing what he does best — singing and dancing.

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