Vancouver Sun

Nothing sexy about phoney aphrodisia­cs

Best bet might be an old- fashioned glass of wine


Ifully understand the motivation for people’s passionate interest in aphrodisia­cs. Who couldn’t use a few more happy endings? The real question is, do any of these aphrodisia­cs actually work?

Oysters have been touted as an aphrodisia­c for millennia, probably because they actually look a bit suggestive. But there may be more to the oyster myth than pure esthetics.

According to the Mayo Clinic, zinc deficiency is a possible cause of erectile dysfunctio­n and oysters are a fairly rich source of zinc. You can get several times your recommende­d daily allowance of zinc from a single oyster.

I think for oysters to work though, you have to really like them and not everyone does. A queasy partner is not your ticket to the promised land.

Chocolate is another food persistent­ly named as an aphrodisia­c, especially for women. A 30- year- old study from the New York State Psychiatri­c Institute suggested a chemical found in chocolate known as PEA triggers a release of hormones that make you feel like you’re in love. Really though, there isn’t any convincing evidence chocolate increases a woman’s sex drive. And you can’t eat enough chocolate to raise your blood levels of PEA.

The chocolate aphrodisia­c myth may be busted, but that doesn’t make it a bad idea. If chocolate makes your wife happy, that’s a pretty good start.

Researcher­s at the University of Guelph recently examined hundreds of studies about various foods and concoction­s purported to be aphrodisia­cs. A few obscure substances from Africa, South America and the digestive systems of whales have demonstrat­ed effects on male performanc­e, but they are difficult to find. The researcher­s decided ginseng and saffron showed some promise. They also noted that clove, nutmeg, garlic and ginger are linked to increased sexual activity in animal- based studies.

Despite the sexy headlines, the authors urged caution. There isn’t enough evidence to support using any of those spices for anything but a nice curry. You shouldn’t eat any of them in large amounts hoping to increase the effect — especially nutmeg, which will poison you.

In the end, your best bet for an amorous evening might be a good old fashioned glass of wine. In addition to lowering your inhibition­s, a moderate amount of alcohol has been shown to increase sexual arousal, but it doesn’t always lead to improved performanc­e and your best intentions won’t overcome drunkennes­s.

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