Vancouver Sun


The Sun’s Mia Stainsby finds lots to love at L’Ufficio


What do I like about this place? Oh, almost everything. L’Ufficio stole my heart. It means “office” in Italian, which seems odd for a house of pleasure ( in the culinary sense). I’ll explain the reason for the name later.

But first, L’Ufficio is run by Adam Pegg and Lucais Symes, who upped the ante on casual Italian food with La Quercia five years ago. They followed up with an even more casual La Ghianda. Then, at the behest of Opus Hotel, they went swish with La Pentola. Most recently, they opened L’Ufficio, an enoteca, right next door to La Quercia and closed down La Ghianda. You still with me? To me, the closure is a good sign. They’re hands- on chef- owners who know when they’re spreading themselves too thin.

Their passion is undiluted at L’Ufficio, and it’s unsurpasse­d for casual Italian food and feel. Have a glass of Italian wine with snacks or a more substantia­l dish from the specials board ( like the delicious hanger steak with arugula salad I tried one evening). Sit at the bar, nibble on Italian cheeses or salumi or get a table and settle in. The dishes are simple and homey and don’t require cooking; cooked dishes are from La Quercia. The two are connected by a door. “There’s a toaster oven,” Symes says of L’Ufficio’s cooking area. “That’s why there’s a lot of sliced meats and cheeses.”

It’s an intimate space and for a reason I couldn’t fathom, a huge lure for groups of women ( including TV stars Anna Wallner and Kristina Matisic, of The Shopping Bags, who dined nearby with female friends). On both visits, the room was perfumed with estrogen. I loved our old- school server from Italy, competentl­y covering the entire room calmly and confidentl­y on his own with the flair you only see at high- end restaurant­s.

The food is delicious. It’s simple, obsessivel­y sourced and they don’t mess with what’s already delicious. The chefs might refine the presentati­on but they respect Italian food savvy. The culatello di Zibello is one example. It’s no ordinary ham. “It’s made from a certain type of pig in the Emilia- Romagnia region and our supplier is one of the only producers,” says Symes. “Pigs are very habitual and only sleep on one side of the body. This ham is from the leg they don’t sleep on and from the centre where the best slices are. Then it’s aged for two years in their house,” says Symes, who blisses out at the memory of eating it in Zibello chasing it with champagne rosé. “It’s the greatest thing I ever had,” he says. At the restaurant, delicate ruffles of culatello encircle a round of burrata, only days old, flown in from Italy. A beauty of a dish to behold and eat.

When I walked in one day, my eyes lit on an antipasti platter that made my mouth water. I wanted to sit down and dive in and partake of the beautiful cheeses, salami, prosciutto, arancini, pickles, terrine, seedy mustard but there was a couple at the table. The antipasti board changes, depending on what the kitchen feels like. It comes in a $ 10 or $ 19 size. I’d recommend it.

Two slices of pork terrine came with a fig and a pear relish and a tasty jewel- coloured pine honey. Cured smoked trout was served like a deconstruc­ted salad. The double- baked Parmesan soufflé is unexpected, given the lack of a full oven. It’s cooked to three- quarters doneness, probably at La Quercia, then finished off to order and served with a frisée salad. “It’s not as light as a classic French soufflé but it’s light enough,” says Symes.

Remember I said I liked “almost everything” here? Some dishes fell short of setting my heart racing. One was an anchovy pizzette ( a little bland considerin­g the topping and I was wishing it might have been on the rustic bread I used to love at La Ghianda). A cannolo dessert ( a deep- fried tube filled with a sweetened ricotta) was cooked as Sicilian tradition dictates but when it comes down to it, I’m not a big fan of the rough dough. A chocolate budino ( pudding) was good, but it had me wishing instead for the lemon cream from La Quercia and La Pentola.

L’Ufficio, I think, does a good job of channellin­g Italy. Some Italian wine, some salumi, cheeses, a cooked dish and most definitely the culatello di Zibello with burrata — it’s enough to make you feel you gotta get back to Italy. My husband and I both agree it’s time to return, but this time, the focus can be solely on food.

As for how this seductive spot, so seductive and warm, came to be called L’Ufficio, or office? When the space next door to La Quercia came up, Pegg and Symes’ immediate thoughts were to turn the space into an office they did not have. Instead, the office portion is the very small footprint to the left of the door, just enough to fold a chef in half and squeeze in. Lucky for us, they fold.

 ?? ARLEN REDEKOP/ PNG ?? Matteo Zeni calmly and competentl­y covers the whole room at L’Ufficio.
ARLEN REDEKOP/ PNG Matteo Zeni calmly and competentl­y covers the whole room at L’Ufficio.
 ?? Blog: vancouvers­un. com/ miastainsb­y Twitter: Twitter. com/ miastainsb­y VANCOUVER SUN RESTAURANT GUIDE: vancouvers­un. com/ restaurant­guide ??
Blog: vancouvers­un. com/ miastainsb­y Twitter: Twitter. com/ miastainsb­y VANCOUVER SUN RESTAURANT GUIDE: vancouvers­un. com/ restaurant­guide
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