Vancouver Sun

Liberal, NDP leaders predict victory


The leaders of B. C.’ s two main political parties both predicted victory when voters go to the polls on Tuesday.

New Democrat Leader Adrian Dix enjoyed the largest rally of the campaign, with close to a thousand supporters gathered at Vancouver Film Studios. They chanted and waved orange party placards and clutched orange carnations in honour of Mother’s Day.

In a 30- minute speech, Dix denounced what he called an “attack, smear, rinse, repeat” Liberal campaign. “People in B. C. want change,” Dix said. “They want it so bad they can taste it.”

“I don’t think we need a weather vane to tell which way the wind is blowing,” Dix said, in reference to a Liberal attack ad that shows his head spinning on a weather vane, claiming he has switched his stance on several issues.

At about the same time, Clark was attending an afternoon brunch organized by the Immaculate Heart of Mary Croatian Roman Catholic Parish in Richmond.

The Liberal leader received best wishes from the parish priest for another term in office. She told reporters she thinks that can happen.

“I am confident that we can win the election,” she said. “We need to keep working, and we need to keep talking to people about the important issues at stake here, and we need to make sure that everybody in the province who can vote, gets out and casts their ballot.”

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