Vancouver Sun

Accidents around water are almost always preventabl­e


School’s out, summer is finally here and it looks like the warm weather will stick around for a while. That means from Kitsilano to Cultus Lake, more and more of us will hit the beaches. Canoes and kayaks will be going onto the car- top carriers, anglers will getting out the fly rods and flashers, trailer hitches will be clicking into place for the family runabout and more dedicated sailors will be frequentin­g the marina.

Metro residents are particular­ly blessed when it comes to aquatic recreation. A study by the David Suzuki Foundation estimates that the Lower Mainland’s aquatic ecosystems generate from $ 30 billion to $ 60 billion in benefits each year, with esthetic and recreation­al values contributi­ng the biggest share in values ranging from $ 23 billion to $ 44 billion.

And whether it’s the region’s outdoor urban pools, folding chairs on a Fraser River bar, blankets at Spanish Banks or extra- large bottles of sunscreen for an au naturel outing to Wreck Beach, we like to take advantage of what we’ve got when the summer sun comes out.

There are about 100 marinas scattered around the Gulf of Georgia for the tens of thousands of cabin cruisers, dinghies, inflatable­s, sailboats and speedboats we use for fishing, water- skiing, gunkholing and socializin­g. While precise statistics are hard to come by, economic surveys give some idea of how popular boating is. They indicate recreation­al boating in British Columbia generates about $ 1.4 billion a year in total revenue and provides employment to 15,000 people.

Many of us, of course, will also be heading for the rivers and lakes of the Interior where we look forward to the famous sandy beaches of the sundrenche­d Okanagan Valley, the pristine waters of the Kootenay and Arrow Lakes, the trout ponds and potholes that dapple the Kamloops grasslands. We enjoy everything from exhilarati­ng whitewater rafting trips on turbulent rivers like the Thompson, Fraser and Babine to teenaged tubing on the Cowichan to kayaking the Broken Group off Vancouver Island’s outer coast to a tranquil wilderness paddle on the Bowron Lakes in the Cariboo.

But if summer’s a time when British Columbians revel in the outdoor splendours of their province, it’s also a time for caution. Summer’s just begun and already the number of water- related fatalities has passed 35 for B. C. Sixty- two people drowned in the province last year and 54 the year before that.

Safety statistics tell us that most of these drowning deaths were preventabl­e. The key risk factors are consistent from year to year, which tells us something about ourselves worth noting, too.

For boaters, the single biggest cause of drowning deaths — eight out of 10 victims weren’t wearing life jackets when they fell into cold water. That’s an almost totally preventabl­e cause. So remember, wear a personal flotation device whenever you are on the water and insist that any passenger on your boat does, too. Don’t go boating with anyone who doesn’t insist you wear one. They don’t have your best interests at heart and don’t deserve to be trusted.

For swimmers, the single biggest contributo­r to drowning deaths is the victims didn’t have swimming skills adequate to the conditions. The lesson here: Be cautious, if you aren’t a skilled and confident swimmer, stick

More than half of children under the age of five who drown do so because a caregiver was distracted, sometimes for less than a minute.

to the pool where there are lifeguards and don’t succumb to peer group pressure and temptation at the beach party. Anyone who thinks you should risk your life just to be cool isn’t worth listening to.

For children, the single biggest contributo­r to drowning deaths — the victims were near the water alone or strayed into the water during a momentary lapse of attention from a caregiver. More than half of children under the age of five who drown do so because a caregiver was distracted, sometimes for less than a minute. A sandy beach at the water’s edge is a treat no little child should be denied, but adults have a duty to watch them like a hawk. So remember, you can’t take your eyes off the little ones for a minute.

While powerboats offer the biggest risk for boaters, this is probably because more boaters use them than any other kind of vessel. But there’s good news, too. Powerboat- related drownings are down significan­tly across Canada — perhaps because of beefed- up federal regulation­s regarding training and education for operators. But the ubiquitous canoe remains one of the most dangerous for recreation on the water — Canada’s iconic vessel is responsibl­e for more than one in five boating fatalities, most often caused by capsizing in cold water without a life preserver.

There’s one other major contributi­ng factor to drowning — alcohol. It was a factor in almost 40 per cent of boating fatalities and 32 per cent of swimming fatalities. Alcohol impairs judgment, it doesn’t mix well with aquatic recreation, it causes people not to wear their personal flotation devices when they should, to swim where and when they shouldn’t, to capsize canoes and to fall overboard.

Finally, perhaps the best contributi­on to water safety after insisting on life jackets is for adults to educate themselves on the subject and to make it a firm policy to model appropriat­e behaviour for children. Understand hypothermi­a and talk to kids about what sudden immersion in cold water does and the fact that after 10 minutes or so the use of fingers is lost. If you can’t swim, take lessons and make sure your children learn as soon as is reasonably possible. Talk to them — and friends — about water safety, why it’s important and what it requires — swimming with a buddy, for example. Learn the right first aid for accidents in the water. When you go to the beach, have the kids do a checklist of swimming areas for hazards and have them check off the safety equipment on the boat. These are all ways of heightenin­g your own awareness and making water safety a normal procedure.

Summer in B. C. is a blessing because of our aquatic recreation­al resources. We all have the power and the responsibi­lity to make the beach and the boat a blissful experience rather than a tragic one.

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