Vancouver Sun


VIFF celebrates the best in local film.


Vancouver Internatio­nal Film Festival

Today to Oct. 11 | Various locations

Tickets and info: viff. org or 604- 683- FILM

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Since the launch of the Vancouver Internatio­nal Film Festival 32 years ago there has rarely been a year where Babz Chula wasn’t featured in at least one movie.

But it’s a testament to her amazing career — and even more amazing life — that she’s the focus of not one but two films at this year’s festival more than three years after her death. ( She died on May 7, 2010, at age 62.)

Babz ( it seems indecent to call her Chula) wasn’t just an actor — she was a force of nature.

The Queen of the B. C. indie film and one of the city’s most beloved stage performers, Babz not only kept performing — collecting awards and accolades — while battling cancer, but she also invited one of Canada’s most acclaimed directors, Anne Wheeler, to chronicle her fight with the disease.

“I called the movie Chi because I think she had a tremendous life force that was just contagious,” Wheeler said. “The Chinese call it Chi, the Indians call it Prana.”

The idea first took roots when Wheeler was asked to direct a movie, 2008’ s Living Out Loud, for the Hallmark Channel. The story was that of a younger woman who goes to a cancer clinic and meets an older woman who guides her through treatment and gives her some philosophi­cal insight.

“I read the script ( and thought), ‘ Oh my god, this is Babz Chula,’” Wheeler said.

Despite being uninsurabl­e, Babz was the one for the role, Wheeler argued. In the end, the producers agreed and Babz played the part.

About a year later, Wheeler and Babz worked again together on Carl Bessai’s movie Fathers & Sons.

Wheeler was helping to stage a poker game Babz was part of. The scene was shooting just after Babz had returned from a chemothera­py session where another patient shared the story of her miraculous recovery from cancer, which she credited to an experiment­al treatment in Southern India.

“Babz saw me — she knows I have spent considerab­le time in India — and she said, ‘ Wheeler, I need to talk to you about India.’”

Wheeler, who had been to India a half- dozen times, was intrigued, especially when Babz said the place she wanted to go was Kerala, a place Wheeler had been to and where she was already planning to make a return visit.

“I said, ‘ I started out in documentar­y and I’ve always wanted to do a cinema vérité kind of film.’ And she says, ‘ You know what? Bring a camera. Let’s go see what happens.’”

Wheeler lined up a camera, a small crew and some money to help cover Babz’ expenses. Six months later — after Babz’ oncologist OK’d the trip — they were on the road shooting what would become Chi.

“It really is a road movie — the trip she took the last four months of her life,” Wheeler said. “I think a lot of people are apprehensi­ve about going to see a film that appears very heavy and dark. But it’s not, because she had a wonderful take on everything and it makes you laugh at the most

It really is a road movie — the trip she took the last four months of her life.



surprising times.” Actor/ director/ writer Ben Ratner, who acted in Fathers & Sons with Babz, was also with her through her final days.

But instead of documentin­g them, he turned his memories and thoughts into fiction and crafted a story, Down River, about three young women inspired by the same mentor/ muse ( played by Helen Shaver).

Down River, which Ratner wrote and directed, also stars Jennifer Spence, Colleen Rennison, Gabrielle Miller and Jay Brazeau ( who frequently appeared opposite Babz on stage and screen).

Asked what made Babz such an inspiratio­n, Ratner replied: “Authentici­ty. She was who she was. She never apologized for living or dying and she did both under her own terms.”

“I met Babz in the early ’ 90s, standing in a hallway at an audition,” he added. “I said something like, ‘ Hi, how are you?’ and she launched into a detailed, hilarious and totally honest account of her day and her life. And that’s how it was with us right up to the end.”

Ratner helped raise funds for her care by assisting the launch of the Babz Chula Lifeline for Artists Society, which now supports other artists in need. ( You can visit the society’s website at babzchulas­

“Her last words to me were, ‘ Thanks, Benny.’ And I guess this movie is in part my way of saying, ‘ Thanks, Babz,’” Ratner said.

“Larry Lynn, who was Babz’ husband, agreed to be my cinematogr­apher. A friend of his, Jack Ong, agreed to finance the film. Almost everyone knew Babz personally on this film. Look closely and you will see that all the female leads are wearing bracelets — bracelets that belonged to Babz. They all knew her and loved her and they wear those bracelets like badges of honour.”

Chi screens Oct. 3 at 6: 45 p. m. at SFU Woodward’s, and Oct. 6 at 1: 20 p. m. at Internatio­nal Village 8.

Down River premieres at the Vancouver Playhouse on Oct. 5 at 6: 30 p. m. The second screening takes place Oct. 9 at 4: 30 at the Rio.

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 ??  ?? Chi at the Vancouver Internatio­nal Film Festival documents actor Babz Chula. Acclaimed director Anne Wheeler said ‘ I called the movie Chi because I think she had a tremendous life force that was just contagious.’ Other VIFF films include Jia Zhangke’s...
Chi at the Vancouver Internatio­nal Film Festival documents actor Babz Chula. Acclaimed director Anne Wheeler said ‘ I called the movie Chi because I think she had a tremendous life force that was just contagious.’ Other VIFF films include Jia Zhangke’s...
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