Vancouver Sun


ICBC has rejected thousands of plates it deems too offensive, political or religious


If you ever thought it would be funny to get a personaliz­ed licence plate with 4 PLAY on it, here’s a hint: ICBC has heard that joke before. Many, many times before. Indeed, since 1987, ICBC has rejected 4 PLAY as a licence plate 58 times, making it the most commonly rejected personal plate in the province.

Add in a couple variations — 4- PLAY, 4PLAY — and more than 100 British Columbians have tried, and failed, to get the sexually suggestive phrase on their car. ( In fairness, some of those people may have missed the suggestive meaning and had something more innocent in mind.)

For an initial $ 100 fee, and $ 40 extra per year, British Columbians can apply to get any combinatio­n of six letters and numbers they want put on their license plate.

But each applicatio­n is reviewed by an ICBC employee and can be rejected on a number of grounds including that it’s sexually suggestive, offensive, religious, drug- related or glorifies speeding. If your plate is rejected, your applicatio­n fee is refunded.

ICBC has occasional­ly released a list of plates it’s rejected over the past year or two. But, at The Vancouver Sun’s request, the public insurer for the first time released its entire database of rejected plates: more than 13,000 in all since 1987.

That data reveals not only some of the more amusing plates that have been deemed too offensive for B. C. roads, but which offensive plates people keep on asking for.

For example, GRINGO, SNAFU and FUBAR have all been rejected over the years for being offensive.

But the most requested offensive plate is NEWFIE, rejected a dozen different times.

XLR8 is the most frequently rejected speed reference at 14, followed closely by 2FST4U ( 13) and BLUBYU ( 11).

After 4 PLAY, the most frequently rejected “suggestive” plate is SHWING at 18.

ICE is the most rejected alcohol/ drug reference ( 11) and CANADA the most rejected political one ( 20), though ICBC says the real reason the country’s name is banned is because it’s reserved in case a government agency ever wants to use it.

Most applicants are smart enough to not put obvious swear words on their applicatio­ns. In 25 years, there’s been only one rejection of a plate using the word “shit” ( DA SHIT) and none using the f- word.

But that makes detecting plates that do violate the rules all that much harder.

For example, 4 JESUS, LUV GOD and ONE GOD have all been rejected as too religious. But the most rejected religious phrase, turned down eight times, is the far more cryptic IXOYE, a Greek acronym related to the popular Christian fish symbol.

More than a dozen variations of 3MTA3 have also been rejected as sexually suggestive. That phrase, found on the cover of a Beastie Boys album, reads “EAT ME” when seen through a rearview mirror.

ICBC spokesman Adam Grossman explained in an email that the agency’s staff check each applicatio­n against plates that have already been rejected but also do extensive online research to ensure a letter combinatio­n isn’t offensive.

“When reviewing any applicatio­n, we do our best to predict how the majority of the public would interpret or react to each slogan,” he said. “It’s important that we look at the slogans from a variety of ages as well as cultural background­s.”

Plates can also be rejected because they are too similar to a regular licence plate ( like SUE 305, rejected five times) or because they’re simply hard to read at a glance ( like 99999, rejected seven times).

“We won’t approve slogans that may distract other drivers or reduce the care they use when driving,” said Grossman.

Customers who aren’t happy with the initial decision can appeal to an ICBC manager, though Grossman said such appeals are rarely successful.

Grossman said ICBC approves about 2,600 personaliz­ed plates a year and there are about 82,000 such plates currently in use in B. C.

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