Vancouver Sun

Teen girl found guilty in child porn case

She texted explicit photos of boyfriend’s ex- girlfriend, sent threatenin­g messages


VICTORIA — Canada’s teens were warned Friday to be aware of who takes their picture and where those images may end up after a Victoriaar­ea girl was convicted of distributi­ng child pornograph­y.

The 17- year- old girl who sent explicit texts of her boyfriend’s former girlfriend was also convicted of possession of child porn and uttering threats.

“Always be careful of what you allow of pictures to be taken, what you send to whom,” Crown prosecutor Chandra Fisher said outside of court moments after the teen’s guilty verdict.

The suicides of Canadian teens Rehtaeh Parsons and Amanda Todd have prompted nationwide cyberbully­ing awareness campaigns and calls for tougher laws to prevent Internet harassment.

The girl was found guilty of the child pornograph­y charges because the subject of her so- called sexting messages was also a teen. She cannot be named because she was convicted under the Youth Criminal Justice Act.

The uttering threats conviction resulted from the teen’s Internet threats, via texts and on Facebook, to physically harm the other teen if she came to her Victoria- area high school. The girl also threatened to harm the other teen’s unborn child.

Youth Court Judge Sue Wishart said the thousands of text messages were meant to intimidate the victim and the tenor of the messages was “mean, rude and antagonist­ic. The images in question come within the definition of child pornograph­y.”

But the case didn’t end Friday as defence counsel Christophe­r Mackie said he plans to launch a constituti­onal argument against the conviction.

Mackie told the court he would argue that it’s unconstitu­tional to charge youths who engage in sexting with child- pornograph­y offences because the process of sending erotic images by wireless devices is lawful for adults.

The case will be back in court on Jan. 28 to set a date for the constituti­onal arguments. He said making the constituti­onal argument was “a necessary step in the process of fighting this fight.”

The court heard earlier that the convicted teen sent the photos and thousands of other texts when she was 16 and was charged last year.

The case started when the boyfriend broke up with his former girlfriend and moved to Victoria.

The boyfriend allowed his new Victoria girlfriend to see explicit photos of his former girlfriend, which eventually resulted in the distributi­on of the photos and ensuing threats. The evidence included 36,000 texts.

Justice Minister Peter MacKay recently introduced a cyberbully­ing law to battle the often hurtful spread of intimate images.

He said the proposed law will give police greater powers to investigat­e allegation­s of cyberbully­ing by giving courts the right to seize computers, phones and other devices.

People who post or transmit an intimate image of another person without that person’s consent could face up to five years in prison.

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