Vancouver Sun

Tories see Prentice as saviour

Former Harper cabinet minister gives no indication he is interested in new job

- JASON FEKETE With fi les from James Wood

OTTAWA — Several current and past Conservati­ve members of Parliament are hoping former federal cabinet minister — and potential Stephen Harper successor — Jim Prentice will jump into the race to be the next Alberta Progressiv­e Conservati­ve leader and premier.

Alison Redford’s recent resignatio­n as premier and PC leader has some politician­s and operatives scrambling for a saviour to rescue the party and carry on the 43- year Progressiv­e Conservati­ve dynasty.

Prentice is currently vicechairm­an of CIBC and would take a huge pay cut if he ever left the private sector for provincial politics. As well, several Conservati­ves quietly believe Prentice — a former Calgary MP and senior minister in the Harper government — has his eyes on the leadership of the federal party whenever the prime minister makes his exit.

Neverthele­ss, the provincial “Draft Jim Prentice” movement is quickly gaining steam, as potential candidates gear up for an Alberta PC leadership vote in September.

“I would be more than happy to see Jim Prentice run. He can count on my support,” said Calgary Conservati­ve MP Deepak Obhrai, the parliament­ary secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs who is also a member of the Alberta PCs.

“I think Mr. Prentice would provide the strong leadership that is required in the PC party and the strong leadership that is required at the Alberta level,” Obhrai added. “I’ve already told Mr. Prentice some time back he can count on my support indeed.”

Prentice has said little publicly since Redford abruptly resigned March 19, and he did not stop to chat with reporters after speaking at an event in Ottawa on March 25.

A former Alberta Conservati­ve MP who served alongside Prentice in Ottawa said he would like to see Prentice enter the PC race because his leadership could help return the party to past glory. “He’d be very good for the province. He’d be good for the party,” said the former Alberta MP. “I’d certainly like to see the party restored to its old credential­s. I look back at the Peter Lougheed days; he was such a strong leader. We need that again.”

Federal and provincial Conservati­ves also believe Prentice can attract conservati­ve support across the partisan divide in Alberta from both the ruling PCs and opposition Wildrose party.

Edmonton Conservati­ve MP Laurie Hawn, a longtime Alberta PC member, said he would like to see someone of Prentice’s political heft join the race and lead the provincial party.

“I do want to see people like Jim Prentice in public life because I think he has got a tremendous amount to offer, as he showed ( in Parliament),” said Hawn, explaining the provincial leadership race needs “somebody of Jim Prentice’s character and quality and experience. If Jim’s the only one, good on Jim.”

But Calgary West MP Rob Anders said Prentice isn’t the answer to Tory prayers. Anders, who supported former member of the legislatur­e Ted Morton in the last two PC leadership races and backed the Wildrose party, said the provincial Tories need a leader who can win back supporters.

“I don’t think Mr. Prentice will be able to heal the rift with the Wildrose,” he said Wednesday. “I think Jim’s still on the red side of the party.”

 ?? FRED CHARTRAND/ THE CANADIAN PRESS FILES ?? Former federal cabinet minister Jim Prentice is under pressure to run for the leadership of the Alberta Progressiv­e Conservati­ves following the resignatio­n of Alison Redford last month.
FRED CHARTRAND/ THE CANADIAN PRESS FILES Former federal cabinet minister Jim Prentice is under pressure to run for the leadership of the Alberta Progressiv­e Conservati­ves following the resignatio­n of Alison Redford last month.

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