Vancouver Sun

‘ Political giant’ knew that politician­s risk more than most of us


AIn some cases, politician­s and staffers are brought low for good reason, but sometimes they are the victims of understand­able errors of judgment, magnified by scoop- hungry journalist­s.

fter Jim Flaherty succumbed to a heart attack in his Ottawa condo on Thursday, the political community in Ottawa took time to mourn him.

Shocked MPs walked across the aisle in the House of Commons to embrace and comfort one another. Stunned House leaders quickly agreed to adjourn for the day. Politician­s in the Ontario legislatur­e, where Flaherty ably worked for many years, followed suit.

A political giant in leprechaun form had passed away, and it hit everybody hard. Someone who had been a big, friendly presence in our national life was suddenly gone, which sent a chill through many a heart, and put a tear in many an eye.

NDP leader Tom Mulcair struggled to stop from breaking down as he gave an emotional tribute to another Montreal Irishman who knew how to put his elbows up.

Colleagues comforted Labour Minister Kellie Leitch, who administer­ed CPR to Flaherty as they waited for paramedics to arrive at his condo. Everyone expressed their condolence­s to Flaherty’s widow, Christine Elliott, and their three boys.

Staffers repaired to pubs near the Hill to raise a glass of Guinness to their old boss.

Meanwhile, across the Ottawa River in Gatineau, Sen. Patrick Brazeau sat in a jail cell, where he would spend the night after an early morning assault arrest at his girlfriend’s home, the latest step on a journey that will now take him to rehab, and, I hope, recovery.

I was at my desk, writing about Brazeau’s woes, when the news about Flaherty turned everything upside down.

Aaron Wherry of Maclean’s soon posted a speech Flaherty gave at the University of Western Ontario in 2011.

“Public service is good for you,” Flaherty told the students. “You will have opportunit­ies to change the world around you in varying ways and to different degrees, large and small. You will get opportunit­ies and to use your talents to implement your thoughts and beliefs. In concert with others, accomplish­ments will follow. Great adventure this, for disappoint­ments and failure will follow also. Boredom, however, is not on the agenda.”

He went on to quote some lines from a speech former U. S. president Teddy Roosevelt gave in Paris in 1910.

“The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcomin­g; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasm­s, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievemen­t, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

I first heard the speech quoted by Brian Mulroney in 2009 at a Montreal celebratio­n of the 25th anniversar­y of his 1984 election victory, when I took it to be a veiled reference to legal difficulti­es he then faced.

They capture something of the peril of public life, and it doesn’t hurt those of us on the sidelines to remember that politician­s do take greater risks than the rest of us.

There is no profession that offers greater opportunit­ies for public humiliatio­n. If Patrick Brazeau had stayed in Maniwaki, where he grew up, few people outside his immediate circle would know of his difficulti­es, and reporters would not have had cause to nose through his personal belongings.

I would not like, these days, to be in the expensive shoes of Dimitri Soudas, who recently left the Conservati­ve party after violating a commitment not to interfere in his girlfriend’s nomination battle; nor in the shoes of that girlfriend, MP Eve Adams, whose political career may be about to come to an abrupt halt.

Helena Guergis and Rahim Jaffer went from the charmed circle of power to political exile, the result of a media- government pile- on that left them publicly humiliated.

A $ 16 order of room service orange juice brought Bev Oda’s career to an end. For Bruce Carson, it was a water contract that would have benefited his escort girlfriend.

Stephane Dion’s disastrous leadership of the Liberal party left him looking like a loser, until Michael Ignatieff brought the party to even lower depths.

In some cases, politician­s and staffers are brought low for good reason, but sometimes they are the victims of understand­able errors of judgment, magnified by scoop- hungry journalist­s and political rivals.

It is a good system, because the price of power is scrutiny.

The 24- hour news cycle and the spread of social media is making it even tougher. Every day I see vicious personal comments online, aimed against politician­s.

As a politician complained in the British comedy The Thick of It: “Have you ever Googled your name? It’s like opening your door to a room where everyone tells you how s— you are.”

As we pause to pay our respects to an honourable servant of the people, it’s a good time to recall that our system of government depends on a steady supply of hardy souls climbing into the arena. We ought to honour their courage, and leaven our justice with mercy when they fall.

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