Vancouver Sun

In my opinion

Unknown factors: Are they driving up prices?

- byaffe@ vancouvers­un. com

A lack of Vancouver real estate data leaves potential home buyers in the dark.

Charles Hou is a retired social studies teacher who has lived in Dunbar for the past 48 years. And he has a bone to pick.

“On my block, there are three empty million- dollar houses,” writes Hou, whose home is on West 39th Ave. “The house behind mine sits empty for 90 per cent of the year.

“This is having a devastatin­g effect on my neighbourh­ood. People no longer are doing upgrades on their houses because they know they will be torn down if sold.

“Merchants and schools are suffering because people don’t live in the houses. Property values are skyrocketi­ng. It is a disaster for people who want to live in Vancouver.”

Hou believes “politician­s aren’t paying any attention to this issue. Money is being made at the expense of the vast majority of people who live in the Lower Mainland.”

I’ve quoted Hou at length because his letter — one of many I received in response to my column last week about the loss of character homes on the city’s west side — reflects sentiments expressed by others frustrated by and worried about this city’s real estate market. They are worried not just about foreign buyers but also about prices forcing so many to become “house- rich and cash- poor.”

If, as Hou asserts, politician­s aren’t paying attention — and he’s right, they aren’t — it could be because there is not enough definitive data about the housing market at hand, both here and across Canada.

Are Vancouveri­tes dangerousl­y overextend­ing themselves, with colossal mortgages and modest down payments? Is there a housing bubble? How big a market share do foreigners reflect? How many Vancouver homes sit empty?

Benjamin Tal, the Torontobas­ed senior economist at the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, did everyone a favour last week by highlighti­ng the absence of such clear data in a report he wrote, titled Flying Blind.

“The gap between the importance of the real estate market to the economy,” wrote Tal, “and the lack of publicly available informatio­n on it is mind boggling.”

For years, Vancouveri­tes have been asking about foreign buyers, concerned they are driving up prices and, when leaving residences unoccupied, harming neighbourh­oods.

There is also concern about the pace of demolition of character homes on the west side — by foreigners, local buyers and developers alike.

Readers have alerted me to cities that appear more proactive in defining the extent of such issues and taking remedial measures.

The Guardian reported recently that in London, Islington council is targeting what it calls the “buy to leave” property investors who leave properties vacant.

After scrutinizi­ng electoral roll data for a sample group of residentia­l buildings and finding no registered voters listed for one- third of the units, the council is considerin­g levying a charge of roughly $ 100,000 Cdn for each empty property. Owners would have to show evidence such as utility bills to prove occupancy. And in his March budget, Britain’s Chancellor of the Exchequer announced a 15- per- cent “stamp duty” on corporate buyers of property valued at more than $ 800,000, if left vacant.

In San Francisco, meanwhile, the city’s planning department says on its website that its Historic Preservati­on program works to preserve older architectu­re — “Historic preservati­on is a strategy for conserving significan­t elements of the built environmen­t in order to maintain a tangible physical connection to the past.”

The website notes that owners of historical­ly valuable property “may be eligible for property tax relief and other incentives.”

Closer to home, politician­s should take note.

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 ??  ?? Absentee, foreign- owned homes are having a ‘ devastatin­g’ impact on Vancouver house prices and neighbourh­oods, a reader says.
Absentee, foreign- owned homes are having a ‘ devastatin­g’ impact on Vancouver house prices and neighbourh­oods, a reader says.
 ??  ?? Barbara Yaff e
Barbara Yaff e

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