Vancouver Sun

Twitter, Facebook act as extensions of picket lines


As both the teachers’ union and government enforced a media blackout during sustained bargaining this weekend, social media users on both sides of the issue fired barbed words at one another, hoping to weaken the other side’s defences.

But as battles go, it was a lopsided affair, with a torrent of barbed tweets and posts in support of teachers overwhelmi­ng a barely perceptibl­e trickle of support for the government.

Social media has become the online extension of the picket line for teachers.

“The strike on the picket lines also becomes a strike online,” said Peter Chow- White, Simon Fraser University communicat­ions professor. “The people who are locked out or on strike. They’re protesting not only outside schools but also on social media.”

School psychologi­st Todd Kettner showed the power of social media in a letter he wrote about his workload in the aftermath of a fatal tragedy on Slocan Lake. The letter was shared online by thousands of people, which ultimately reversed his 10- per- cent pay cut for the lockout.

Kettner is one of many disgruntle­d school employees who have shared their stories on social media, resulting in the most sustained and dominant online engagement the B. C. Teachers’ Federation’s media relations officer Rich Overgaard has ever seen.

“This is unpreceden­ted. It has been completely constant and sustained since the beginning of the rotating strikes,” Overgaard said.

“In particular, when the lockout was announced, there were hundreds, if not thousands of teachers who were already on Facebook and Twitter, who had been watching and listening, but the light turned on and they all started engaging in numbers that we’ve never seen.”

The BCTF has an active social media strategy and provides social media workshops for teachers regularly. The organizati­on’s Twitter account has grown from 8,000 followers to more than 11,000 in the past two weeks, Overgaard said. “In 2011- 2012, the majority of teachers were still very shy on social media for good reason. There are profession­al issues around social media,” Overgaard said. “The federation has invested a lot of time and energy in training teachers how to use social media as profession­als and citizens.

“They’re now using it to share their own stories. In the case of Keppner, by the time mainstream media were really dialing into it and telling the story, it had already been shared about 3,000 times on Facebook.”

While he’s not sure that all of the action on social media has made a difference to the actual negotiatio­ns, he said it has definitely made a difference in public support.

It has also allowed the BCTF more ability to gather informatio­n from its members more quickly.

On the other hand, the growing numbers of teachers using social media makes keeping informatio­n confidenti­al more challengin­g, Overgaard said. The BCTF tries to notify its members first about any bargaining updates before the media is told, but with more than 40,000 members the news often becomes public before everyone is informed.

“It’s important to contain informatio­n,” Overgaard said. “But people want to talk, they want to share informatio­n.”

Despite all that online chatter, Ministry of Education spokesman Ben Green said in an email that social media has no impact on bargaining.

“As for social media, the BCTF’s use of social media has no bearing on negotiatio­ns. A negotiated settlement is going to be reached at the table, not through Twitter chats or Facebook posts,” Green said.

Social media gives teachers a format to talk together outside of their usual context, said David Tindall, an associate professor at the University of British Columbia’s Department of Sociology.

“It’s a little bit of a ritual in this context for teachers to energize them and reinforce their views,” Tindall said. “In most social movements the extent to which things get in the media is kind of thought to be a bit of a scorecard, so there’s certainly a motivation there to be as visible as possible.”

But it could be less about swaying public opinion than it is about performing a symbolic activity.

“Union leaders and those types of folks would probably have lots of followers, but the average teacher probably wouldn’t have that many,” he said. “So it would be perhaps more of a symbolic thing for the average teacher.”

Chow- White said there is a lot of support on social media for the teachers.

“The most popular retweets, the top tweets seem to be on the side of the teachers,” Chow- White said, commenting on a social media analysis Sysomos carried out as teachers embarked on their rotating strikes.

“Hey BC Teachers and Government. You want our kids to grow up. We have the same expectatio­ns of you,” read a typical tweet, in this case penned by @ daleregehr.

Despite the online chatter, Chow- White said the mainstream media is the leading source of news in the teachers’ dispute with the government.

“The mainstream media will play a much stronger role in communicat­ing this event and representi­ng it than social media,” he said. “The mainstream media will set the agenda.

Chow- White said while Twitter is a go- to source for learning news, it is the links there to mainstream media where people still tend to go to gather their news.

Despite the active engagement by BCTF and its members, Chow- White said labour organizati­ons haven’t adopted social media to the same extent other organizati­ons or industries have.

“I would suspect among some teachers you would you see lower social media use that you would expect,” he said. “I think part of that is that this is a labour dispute and labour itself is one of those institutio­ns that hasn’t grabbed onto social media like some other industries.”

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