Siblings hope sister’s death in 2002 helps change laws
ASSISTED- DYING DEBATE: Leyanne Burchell sought help from right- to- die crusader at the end her battle with cancer
When Leyanne Burchell downed a deadly cocktail of sedatives 12 years ago, she left a suicide note saying she wanted “self deliverance” from incurable stomach cancer.
The days and months following the 57- year- old’s death should have been a time of mourning or contemplation, says her brother Marc Burchell. Instead, her Mount Pleasant home became a crime scene the day she died, surrounded by police tape, with reporters waiting on the lawn.
Her sister Denise Huguet, who had been living in the basement to be nearby during her illness, was questioned by police and later became a witness in the high- profile 2004 trial of Evelyn Martens, the 73- year- old Victoria woman who was with Leyanne when she died.
“What should have been a peaceful end to a tragic set of events ended up being a different kind of tragedy for our family,” Burchell says.
Brother and sister are stepping into the public eye as a pivotal case dealing with Canada’s ban on assisted suicide is heard before the Supreme Court of Canada on Wednesday.
“It causes unnecessary anxiety when we should be giving people peace,” Marc Burchell said recently.
Leyanne may be a perfect example for supporters of assisted dying — she was in unremitting pain with no hope of effective treatment. And her siblings don’t buy the argument that changing the law will inevitably lead to the involuntary deaths of sick or disabled people.
“That’s the same with anything — if you don’t have proper regulation, it becomes a slippery slope,” said Burchell, who suggests a system requiring approval from more than one doctor.
“There’s a big distinction between euthanasia and assisted suicide. When someone decides for you, that’s euthanasia,” he said.
“We’re advocating for choice. If you want to go into palliative care, by all means, get the best the medical system can give you. But you should have another choice.”
In an online poll released last week, more than three quarters of Canadians said they support doctor- assisted suicide.
Eighty- four per cent of people surveyed by Ipsos for the advocacy group Dying With Dignity said they agreed that “a doctor should be able to help someone end their life if the person is a competent adult who is terminally ill, suffering unbearably and repeatedly asks for assistance to die.”
But representatives of the disabled have long argued that such poll results and support for assisted suicide devalue the lives of the disabled and puts the most vulnerable of them at risk.
Many health professionals, too, say that debate on the subject should centre on how society deals with the end of life, and how Canadians can better access palliative care and services.
‘ She never lived by the rules’
Neither Burchell nor Huguet had given the issue of hastening death much thought before Leyanne’s bad news — more than 80 per cent of her stomach was covered in cancerous tumours. She threw a big bash for friends and family just before the surgery, and later took long international trips while she was well enough to say goodbye to old friends and savour what time she had left.
“She never lived by the rules,” says Huguet. “She broke rules all the time.”
Leyanne took sick leave just a few years short of retirement after 25 years of teaching young patients at B. C. Children’s Hospital.
She studied her illness. Had the bac- teria H. pylori caused her cancer, she asked her doctor as research became definitive on the link. She searched for stomach cancer survivors, contacted them, and was deflated after the death of a man in Victoria with the same condition.
Well- read, opinionated and ready to offer advice to her family — wanted or not — she survived three more years even as the cancer spread.
“I really want to live, and I’d make good use of my life,” she interrupted Huguet as her sister was complaining one day. “I wouldn’t be sitting around moping.”
With only a tiny pouch for a stomach and new tumours threatening to block her intestines, she could barely eat, shrinking to 75 pounds, about half her healthy weight. She constantly clutched a scalding hot water bottle until the skin on her stomach turned black and smelled burnt.
Finally, Leyanne turned her energy elsewhere.
“Every day was about planning her death,” Huguet says. “She was taking control of an uncontrollable situation.”
That was the problem with palliative care, Leyanne said — nurses told her what to do, even though at home she was in charge of her own medications, including ever- increasing yet ineffective doses of morphine and other drugs to dull the pain.
She gave away possessions, cancelled credit cards, prepaid for disposal of her body and her own death certificates — seven copies — and fussed over the wording of her obituary.
“She was preoccupied with getting her house in order,” Burchell recalls.
What her family didn’t know was that Leyanne had joined a right- to- die organization called the Goodbye Society years before she became ill, and had contacted like- minded people in Vancouver.
A civil liberties campaigner named Ruth Goodman — who took her own life last year at the age of 91 — put her in touch with Evelyn Martens of Victoria.
That was why police happened to be outside her home when she died in the summer of 2002. They were tailing Martens to a meeting with an undercover officer and subsequent sting operation when she disappeared from view for an hour inside a bungalow on West 22nd Avenue.
Without police surveillance of Martens, Leyanne Burchell’s death would not have been the subject of a lengthy trial in Duncan, on Vancouver Island, the hometown of 64- year- old Monique Charest, whose death Martens had attended five months earlier. A jury found Martens not guilty of aiding or abetting the two women’s suicides, charges brought under Section 241 of the Criminal Code, a key subject of Wednesday’s SCOC hearing.
Burchell and Huguet got to know Martens during the trail at which Huguet was called to testify for the Crown. Along the way, they learned more than they wanted to know about the right todie movement — and became supporters.
“It’s like arguments around prostitution,” says Burchell. “You make it illegal, you can’t regulate it, and you drive it underground. At least if you regulate it, you can have rules and set parameters around it.
“Leyanne should have been able to slip away with family nearby ... and later be mourned. That’s not the way it happened.”