Vancouver Sun

Mine inspection­s in the province fell dramatical­ly in 2010- 11

B. C. government conducted only five inspection­s during period

- GORDON HOEKSTRA ghoekstra@ vancouvers­un. com

The B. C. government conducted only five geotechnic­al inspection­s of about 60 open and closed mines in 2010 and 2011, according to statistics provided by the B. C. Ministry of Energy and Mines.

None of the five government inspection­s took place at Imperial Metals’ Mount Polley gold and copper mine. In fact, there was also no government geotechnic­al inspection in 2009 at the mine, whose tailings dam collapsed on Aug. 4 this year, releasing millions of cubic metres of water and tailings containing potentiall­y toxic metals into Quesnel Lake, an important sockeye salmon watershed.

There were three inspection­s at B. C. mines by government geotechnic­al engineers in 2010 ( at Myra Falls on Vancouver Island, MAX Molybdenum southeast of Revelstoke, and Sirdar Granite in the Kootenays), and just two in 2011 ( Max Molybenum and Kemess north of Smithers), according to data requested by The Vancouver Sun.

In the preceding decade, the average had been 24, including as high as 41 in 2003.

B. C. Energy and Mines Minister Bill Bennett said he has been unable to discover an explanatio­n for the sudden drop- off in inspection­s.

“It’s not good. It’s not something that I think any government would be happy to see. It’s got to be directly related to the financial, fiscal situation that the ministry was in at the time,” Bennett said Monday.

Government revenues had declined in the aftermath of the 2009 global financial crisis.

Government geotechnic­al engineers visually inspect tailings dams during their inspection­s, as well as review dam instrument­ation data and company dam safety inspection­s and reports, according to the mines ministry.

If problems are found, the government makes recommenda­tions or orders.

While geotechnic­al inspection­s have increased since 2011 ( including at Mount Polley mine in 2012 and 2013), the small number of government inspection­s at the operating and closed B. C. mines raises questions of how the government was ensuring that tailings dams were safe in 2010 and 2011.

Bennett also distanced himself from what was happening in the B. C. Liberal government at the time, noting he had been kicked out of cabinet in 2010 after a short stint as mines minister. Bennett was appointed energy and mines minister by Premier Christy Clark in June 2013.

And Bennett said he believed it was a “stretch” to connect the lack of inspection­s in 2010 and 2011 to the “accident” at Mount Polley mine in August.

He stressed that in 2012, 2013 and 2014, the mines ministry’s budget had been increased and the number of geotechnic­al engineers was increased to two from one. More contract engineers were also enlisted.

There were 26 government geotechnic­al inspection­s at mines in B. C. in 2012, 31 in 2013, and 33 to date in 2014. The last government geotechnic­al inspection at Mount Polley was in September 2013. No orders were issued.

A third geotechnic­al engineer, hired in July, started in the first week of October.

There had been five geotechnic­al engineers on government staff in 2000, four in 2001 and 2002 and three in 2003. That number dropped to one between 2004 and 2011.

The Liberals came to power in 2001 after nearly a decade of NDP rule. The NDP criticized the government for its cuts to inspectors and engineers.

“The assumption is from the NDP that this is the cause of the accident ( at Mount Polley). We are a long ways from knowing what the cause of the accident was. Frankly, it’s just too easy to say, ‘ This dam burst because there weren’t enough inspection­s,’ ” said Bennett. “Maybe the independen­t ( investigat­ion) will determine that. I have said I am open to that, if that’s the case. I don’t think they are going to say that.”

In an earlier interview, Bennett had said it was possible there was a period where there was no geotechnic­al engineer on staff. He said Sunday the figure of one geotechnic­al engineer during 2010 and 2011 was correct. He also said that “obviously” having one B. C. government geotechnic­al engineer was not enough.

Glenda Ferris, a longtime community advocate in the Houston area in northwest B. C., says she believes there was a period of time when the province had no geotechnic­al engineer on staff.

Ferris, a member of a public advisory group for the closed Equity Silver mine, said she was told a few years ago by mines ministry officials there was no geotechnic­al engineer available to inspect the mine near Houston.

“That condition lasted about 18 months,” said Ferris.

She noted that despite requests, she has not been provided a government geotechnic­al inspection of the acid- generating mine for three years.

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