Vancouver Sun

Big fires made for busy season at national parks


The number of wildfires in Canada’s national parks was close to average last summer, but the size of some of those fires made it an unusually hot season.

“We’ve had a more active than normal wildfire season,” said Jeff Weir, Parks Canada’s national fire manager. “A small number of those fires have been quite challengin­g.”

The agency reported 85 wildfires in the spring and summer of this year. That’s slightly higher than the average of 82.

The amount of forest burned was almost 3,000 square kilometres — an area about half the size of Prince Edward Island.

“That’s higher than normal,” Weir said.

There were several large fires in Wood Buffalo National Park, which straddles the boundary between northern Alberta and the Northwest Territorie­s. Together with a large fire in Banff National Park, the fires accounted for 1,300 square kilometres of forest burned.

“Wood Buffalo has proven challengin­g for the last two or three years,” Weir said.

“It’s been a prolonged period of drought they’ve been experienci­ng. There’s probably been the same number of fires, but they’ve got more potential to grow because the fuel’s been so dry.”

Wood Buffalo, Canada’s largest national park, is drained by the Peace and Athabasca rivers. Scientists have said that region has been drying out for a long time because of climate change and the effect of upstream dams in British Columbia.

Weir said Parks Canada was

A small number of those fires have been quite challengin­g. JEFF WEIR PARKS CANADA’S NATIONAL FIRE MANAGER

also busy with and successful in setting its own fires. The prescribed burns are done to restore health and balance in forest ecosystems.

Foresters burned 40 square kilometres of forest at 12 different parks, including well known destinatio­ns such as Thousand Islands in Ontario. Another 23 such burns at nine parks are still planned for the fall.

“Prescribed burning to improve the health of park ecosystems is currently being done across Canada,” Weir said.

The approach is often needed to preserve species that depend on fire for part of their life cycle.

At Thousand Islands, a burn was undertaken to preserve the pitch pine. The tree can easily re- sprout even after its main trunk is scorched, but without occasional fires its saplings can be crowded out by shrubby undergrowt­h.

Parks Canada began setting prescribed burns about 30 years ago, Weir said.

Weir said the public was originally baffled as to why an agency charged with preserving parks was setting parts of them on fire. But people are catching on to why it’s done, he said.

“The last 30 years of action and communicat­ion has significan­tly increased the public’s understand­ing and awareness,” he said.

 ??  ?? While the number of wildfires in Canada’s national parks this year was close to the average, the size of some of those fires — particular­ly in Alberta — made for an unusually active season.
While the number of wildfires in Canada’s national parks this year was close to the average, the size of some of those fires — particular­ly in Alberta — made for an unusually active season.

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