Vancouver Sun

Kim Jong Un resurfaces after long absence


SEOUL, South Korea — North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un made his first public appearance in five weeks on Tuesday, the country’s official news agency reported, ending a prolonged absence that fuelled speculatio­n about his health and control over the country.

Korean Central News Agency said Kim “gave field guidance” on Tuesday at the newly built Wisong Scientists Residentia­l District. The agency also said that earlier in the day, Kim “visited the newly built Natural Energy Institute of the State Academy of Sciences.”

Kim had last been seen in the media five weeks ago at a Sept. 3 concert, and he missed several high- profile events that he normally attends. An official documentar­y released late last month then made a single reference to Kim’s “discomfort” and showed video from August of him overweight and limping.

The KCNA report Tuesday made no mention of Kim’s health, only detailing his comments about the constructi­on projects. At the tour of the residentia­l district, Kim praised the North’s scientists as “patriots who are devoting all their lives to building a rich and powerful nation.”

Many analysts believe that while Kim may have some health issues, he’s probably not in serious trouble. But many other people wonder.

At a South Korean parliament­ary hearing Monday, Choi Yoon- hee, head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said Kim’s health problems “are not severe enough to disrupt his status as the ruler of the country.”

There are many reasons to believe that.

No unusual troop movements or other signs of a possible coup emerged during his absence.

Diplomacy at the highest level continues: Three members of his inner circle made a surprise visit to South Korea, something that would be impossible without the leader’s blessing.

Foreign tourists and aid workers still travel to the North, and there have been no reports of new restrictio­ns or warnings for diplomats.

There’s also nothing particular­ly unusual about North Korean leaders laying low for extended periods. Kim’s father, Kim Jong Il, would disappear at times; Kim Jong Un, who seems to like being at the centre of things, took off without a word for three weeks in 2012.

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