Vancouver Sun

Thailand and Canada looking for ways to boost bilateral trade


Canada’s eagerness to do business with Asia is starting to draw attention in the continent, especially in Southeast Asia. Thailand, a key member of the ASEAN group of countries, sent a senior delegation to Vancouver and Toronto last week, culminatin­g in an extended business promotion seminar at the Vancouver Club.

The event, “Why Thailand,” attracted about 100 local business officials.

The timing is no surprise: After the political turmoil in Thailand resulted in a military coup in May, Thai officials are engaged in the diplomatic effort to reassure foreign investors about the country’s stability and return to economic prominence.

“We have studies that revealed Canada and Thailand don’t know enough about each other, so we are working hard on that front,” said Sutthiluck Sa- ngarmangka­ng , consul- general of Thailand in Vancouver. “This event is one of the results, and we hope to see a fruitful conclusion.”

Thai officials said the delegation was the first of its kind — a top- level trade delegation specifical­ly interactin­g with the Canadian market. CanadaThai­land bilateral trade reached about $ 3.5 billion last year.

“We are Canada’s second largest trade partner in ASEAN,” said Phongsak Assakul, senior chairman of the Thai Chamber of Commerce and the Board of Trade of Thailand, and head of visiting business delegation. “The ( bilateral) trade figure is relatively small, and there’s lots of room for expansion.”

The Thailand delegation’s visit coincides with Canada’s recent diplomatic and trade efforts in Southeast Asia. Federal Internatio­nal Trade Minister Ed Fast has met with officials from all 10 ASEAN members recently . Foreign Minister John Baird announced earlier Canada will establish diplomatic missions to both those countries, as well as to ASEAN as a group.

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