Vancouver Sun

Brothers jailed for ‘ relentless’ cyberbully­ing

Both have expressed only limited remorse, says judge


DAUPHIN, Man. — Two Manitoba brothers have been sentenced to 16 months in jail after what a judge called a “relentless attack” of cyberbully­ing and sexual exploitati­on designed to “exploit, demean and humiliate” a 14- year- old girl.

Judge Donald Slough said a friend of the brothers met the girl on Facebook a year ago. In his written sentence Thursday, Slough said the man told the victim to send him nude pictures or “he would do something to her.”

When she sent him a picture of her exposed breasts, the man demanded she send more explicit pictures or he would send her nude picture to everyone in the community, Slough said. She complied.

The brothers, who were 17 at the time and cannot be named, found out about the pictures and started harassing the victim, Slough said.

“The communicat­ion was intense and relentless, occurring both day and night,” the judge wrote. “The accused, acting in tandem, alternativ­ely flattered and abused the victim, demanding progressiv­ely more explicit images; instructin­g the victim as to what sexual acts she was to perform and digitally record.”

The brothers then distribute­d the photos through social media, Slough said. The victim’s parents discovered the abuse and went to police in January.

The brothers were arrested in May and pleaded guilty to four charges including sexual

Ten months after being victimized, she is still frightened and demonstrat­ing symptoms of extreme anxiety. DONALD SLOUGH MANITOBA JUDGE

touching and possession and distributi­on of child pornograph­y. Both have expressed “rather limited” remorse, Slough wrote. One brother said tormenting the victim was “fun but now feels it was stupid.”

Slough said the effect on the 14- year- old has been “devastatin­g and long- lasting.” The girl went “from being happy to being deeply troubled.”

“Ten months after being victimized, she is still frightened and demonstrat­ing symptoms of extreme anxiety,” Slough wrote. “Her reputation in the community has been damaged and she has been ridiculed at school.

“Given the difficulty in controllin­g the use of images once they enter cyberspace, the harmful impact on the victim may well be long term.”

Experts say this kind of “sextortion” is becoming more common. The Canadian Centre for Child Protection recently warned it is seeing an alarming increase in the number of teens who are sharing sexual images of themselves and then being extorted, sometimes for money.

 ?? JAY DIRECTO/ AFP/ GETTY IMAGES FILES ?? Two brothers who tormented a 14- year- old girl by having her post explicit photos of herself online have been sentenced to 16 months in prison.
JAY DIRECTO/ AFP/ GETTY IMAGES FILES Two brothers who tormented a 14- year- old girl by having her post explicit photos of herself online have been sentenced to 16 months in prison.

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