Vancouver Sun

Ottawa man urges attacks against Canadians

Former friends identify speaker in propaganda video as John Macguire, a university dropout

- STEWART BELL With files from Sara Boesveld

Islamic State attempted to incite further attacks against Canadians on Sunday, issuing a propaganda video in which an Ottawa extremist scolded the government for joining the internatio­nal military coalition fighting the terrorist group.

The six- minute video said Canadians would be indiscrimi­nately targeted and that Muslims were obliged to either join Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, or “follow the example” of the attackers who struck in Ottawa and St- JeansurRic­helieu, Que.

“You either pack your bags, or prepare your explosive devices. You either purchase your airline ticket, or you sharpen your knife,” said the video, produced by a propaganda group linked to Islamic State.

The speaker identified himself as Abu Anwar al- Canadi, but five former friends said they recognized him as John Maguire, a University of Ottawa dropout who converted to Islam and became radicalize­d before vanishing last year.

Looking gaunt and sounding alien to those who knew him in Canada, he spoke in English and seemed to read from a script. The video is part of a propaganda push by Islamic State that appears designed to attract recruits and use the threat of terrorism to deter the U. S.- led air campaign that has killed hundreds of fighters and, according to military officials, stalled the group’s advance.

“It follows quite closely to

You either pack your bags, or prepare your explosive devices. You either purchase your airline ticket, or you sharpen your knife. CANADIAN CALLING HIMSELF ABU ANWAR AL- CANADI SPEAKER ON ISLAMIC STATE PROPAGANDA VIDEO RELEASED SUNDAY

the theme of a variety of videos aimed at Western audiences, like the video aimed at French Muslims a few weeks ago,” said Prof. Amarnath Amarasinga­m of the Dalhousie University Resilience Research Centre, who is studying Canadian foreign fighters. “The interrelat­ed themes are of course ones of religious obligation: if a caliphate has been establishe­d and Muslims have been persecuted by the state you are living in, you are required to leave the state you are living in. The risk of staying is hellfire. Maguire’s video is similar to the video aimed at French Muslims, asking a simple question: “What are you waiting for?”

The video refers repeatedly to the October killings of two Canadian Forces members in Quebec and Ottawa by men who had adopted Islamist extremist beliefs. It said the attacks were a “direct response” to Canada’s military role in Iraq.

“The more bombs you drop on our people, the more Muslims will realize and understand that today, waging jihad against the West and its allies around the world is beyond a shadow of the doubt a religious obligation binding upon every Muslim.”

Responding to the video, Public Safety Minister Steven Blaney said terrorism remained a serious threat to Canadians. “That is why we are taking part in the coalition that is currently conducting air strikes against ISIL, and supporting the security forces in Iraq in their fight against this terrorist scourge.”

Canada has sent six CF- 18s to Kuwait to participat­e in airstrikes against Islamic State, which is trying to impose its militant ideology on Syrians and Iraqis through a brutal campaign of atrocities.

Originally from Kemptville, Ont., Maguire, 24, who changed his name to “Yahya” after converting to Islam, is one of the dozens of Canadians believed to have joined extremist groups in Iraq and Syria.

Since the attacks in Quebec and Ottawa, the government has proposed new legislatio­n to better track Canadians who go abroad to participat­e in terrorism.

The Islamic State message has found little support in Canada. Although it has attracted recruits, as well as young women wanting to become jihadist brides, Canada’s major Muslim organizati­ons have denounced the terror group.

 ??  ?? In an Islamic State video released Sunday, a man who says he is a Canadian and identifies himself as Abu Anwar al- Canadi, urges sympathize­rs to carry out lone- wolf attacks on Canadian targets.
In an Islamic State video released Sunday, a man who says he is a Canadian and identifies himself as Abu Anwar al- Canadi, urges sympathize­rs to carry out lone- wolf attacks on Canadian targets.

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