Vancouver Sun

Airsoft facility shot down by council

Gun arena too close to ‘gangster-style’ violence for city leaders

- BRIAN MORTON AND MATTHEW ROBINSON mrobinson@vancouvers­ bmorton@vancouvers­

It’s a shooting sport often compared to paintball, but instead of firing balls of paint, players shoot small plastic BBs.

However, the sport also uses realistic-looking guns that have been implicated in several recent U.S. police shootings where officers mistook them for deadly weapons.

The sport is called Airsoft and members of Richmond city council decided Monday night to reject businessma­n Eric Lam’s applicatio­n to build an indoor facility for the sport on city land.

City staff had already rejected Lam’s proposal because it didn’t fit with the city’s zoning and firearms bylaws, but he had asked city council to reconsider.

In an interview before the vote, Richmond Mayor Malcolm Brodie cited zoning and broader public concerns about the use of firearms and public safety.

“The report says it contravene­s the rules, so the question is: does council want to change the rules?” said Brodie, adding that he was specifical­ly concerned the sport was dangerous for participan­ts and that the guns players use look too realistic.

A majority of councillor­s voted against allowing the business, with only councillor­s Carol Day and Alexa Loo voting in favour.

“I find this activity totally abhorrent,” said Coun. Harold Steves.

Earlier, Lam told councillor­s his $523,000 facility — the first of its kind in B.C. — could bring as many as 10,000 participan­ts annually.

Addressing some of the concerns, Lam said many paintball guns — which are sanctioned by the city — look like real firearms. He showed councillor­s a video from a local paintball operation to show that sport does not look much different from Airsoft.

“Most of us have never seen a video like that and it freaks you out,” said Day.

Councillor Ken Johnston said he was surprised the city allowed them: “These people are training for violence.”

Many councillor­s said the type of violence in the video was not something they wanted to see in the city.

“You want to provide a facility where guns can be shot at people gangsterst­yle … and I want you to explain how this is safe for the city,” said Coun. Bill McNulty.

Lam told councillor­s Airsoft guns were already being sold in Richmond businesses and said there was a strong community following for the sport. He asked councillor­s how the city intended to stop people from playing the game in their homes — adding that in his facility, trained staff could monitor players.

He argued that sports like Airsoft and paintball have a lower rate of injury than many other sports played on a daily basis in the city. He also showed a second video that compared convention­al Airsoft BBs to paintballs. The video showed that paintballs hit their targets with much greater force than do Airsoft BBs. But the mayor and some councillor­s said they were more concerned about people getting seriously hurt outside the facility.

Johnston asked whether Lam thought it was a good idea to have people carrying guns that looked like AR-15s or other assault rifles to the facility, and other councillor­s pointed to recent incidents in the U.S., where people brandishin­g Airsoft guns were shot and killed by police who mistook the guns for something deadlier.

One of the latest occurred Sunday when San Francisco police fatally shot a 32-year-old man who was holding what appeared to be an Airsoft pistol.

In a report to council, chief licence inspector W. Glenn McLaughlin had recommende­d that council uphold its decision to refuse the licence to Sigma AEG Arena to operate an Airsoft Gun Arena at 6711 Elmbridge Way.

The report noted, among other things, that the facility would operate in an area zoned Industrial Business Park, “which does not include an indoor shooting range as a permitted use,” and that an Airsoft gun — which can shoot up to 700 BBs per minute — falls within the city’s definition of a firearm.

Day said she wanted to hear more from possible stakeholde­rs like the RCMP before rejecting the proposal.

“It’s still a business. We may not understand it and we may not like it, but it’s still a business,” she said. “If we better understood it, we would probably all support it.”

Councillor­s also directed staff to look further into whether Airsoft should be permissibl­e in the future.

 ??  ?? Airsoft guns shoot small plastic BBs, but look like real firearms.
Airsoft guns shoot small plastic BBs, but look like real firearms.

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