Vancouver Sun

Vancouver director to be honoured

Documentar­y tells story of prisoners in China being killed for their organs

- TIFFANY CRAWFORD ticrawford@vancouvers­

A documentar­y about China’s illegal organ harvesting industry, directed by Vancouver filmmaker Leon Lee, has won a Peabody Award.

Human Harvest follows Canadian Nobel Peace Prize nominees David Matas and David Kilgour as they investigat­e reports of how state-run hospitals in China have killed tens of thousands of prisoners of conscience, mainly Falun Gong practition­ers, to harvest and sell their organs.

Falun Gong is a spiritual practice with millions of followers which combines meditation and philosophy. The Communist government banned the discipline in the late 1990s and imprisoned thousands of practition­ers.

The evidence uncovered by the investigat­ors suggests that between 40,000 and 65,000 Falun Gong practition­ers have been killed to supply an illegal organ transplant industry worth billions of dollars a year, said Lee in an interview.

The film documents the nightmaris­h ordeal that prisoners have endured, as well as the torture and suffering as they had their organs removed while they were still alive, and without anesthetic, according to witnesses.

Lee interviewe­d organ recipients, Falun Gong prisoners and witnesses, including chilling phone conversati­ons of doctors admitting they have organs from Falun Gong practition­ers. One witness included a surgeon, who claimed to have performed an organ transplant in the 1990s on an executed prisoner who was shot to the right of the chest so the person was still alive when the kidneys were removed.

Recently released Falun Gong practition­ers also testified that the government is still doing blood screening on all prisoners, which makes investigat­ors suspicious that the harvesting continues, said Lee.

Many of the organ recipients from overseas waited only two weeks from the time they filled out applicatio­ns to receiving organs, he said.

“To find a matching organ without coming from a relative in such a short time frame, the only logical conclusion is that there is a large, live organ bank that anybody can just come and find a match and get an organ.”

It was heartbreak­ing for Lee to interview transplant recipients after they learned about where the organs may have come from, and he said they told him they would have rather died.

China announced earlier this year that it would stop harvesting the organs of executed prisoners, but Lee said he is skeptical.

“In the beginning (the Chinese government) denied that they were using any organs from executed prisoners, and then they changed position. So they did respond to the internatio­nal pressure, but we haven’t really seen any progress. To stop this we need to bring those who committed these crimes to justice.”

The United Nations, Amnesty Internatio­nal and Human Rights Watch have expressed their concerns over the allegation­s of organ harvesting in China, but Lee said internatio­nal agencies are limited in what they can do because there’s no smoking gun.

Lee first read about the allegation­s of organ harvesting in China in 2006 in a report titled Bloody Harvest by David Matas and David Kilgour.

“I didn’t have any problems when we were filming, but when I first heard about this I couldn’t sleep. I just couldn’t conceptual­ize or understand it. I thought, I can’t make a film about this. But then I realized, what if it’s true?”

The film will be released in Canada this summer. Lee is also in post-production for The Bleeding Edge, a film about a Western heart recipient who learns the donor was murdered.

The Peabody Awards, which do not include a cash prize, were establishe­d in 1940 to recognize distinguis­hed achievemen­t and excellence in broadcast and media production.

The 74th annual Peabody Awards will be hosted by Fred Armisen on May 31 in New York and televised on Pivot TV.

 ??  ?? Vancouver filmmaker Leon Lee will receive a Peabody Award for Human Harvest, a film about illegal organ harvesting in China.
Vancouver filmmaker Leon Lee will receive a Peabody Award for Human Harvest, a film about illegal organ harvesting in China.
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