Vancouver Sun

Come back, David Dingwall — all is forgiven


Dear David Dingwall: With benefit of hindsight, I think my colleagues and I were too tough on you in relation to your expenses when you were running the Royal Canadian Mint. (I don’t think we were too tough on you in stories about your lobbying activities, but I digress.)

We got carried away, I think, by the atmosphere at the time. It was the height of the sponsorshi­p scandal. Everything Liberal seemed corrupt, and the opposition howls for blood sounded like righteous calls for justice.

When Le Journal de Montreal reported on your expenses, revealing you even claimed for a pack of gum, we couldn’t help ourselves. The era needed a symbol of Liberal excess, and there you were — a defeated cabinet minister turned mint master — defending his expenses.

And when you resigned, telling us you wanted to avoid distractin­g from the important work at the mint, it didn’t kill the story, since the resignatio­n seemed so fishy. (We later learned Paul Martin forced you out. For that reason, two days before Stephen Harper took office, taxpayers paid you $417,780, which I’m sure helped cushion the blow.)

And you didn’t do yourself, or Martin, any favours when you uttered the immortal words: “I am entitled to my entitlemen­ts.” The Conservati­ves, I’m sure you recall, used those words in a successful ad in the 2006 election, when they were presenting themselves as the agents of open government.

Harper complained you quit “only after evidence of this waste and abuse was exposed by the opposition through access-toinformat­ion and reported by the media. Can the prime minister tell us why this Liberal culture of waste is only stopped once it is exposed publicly?”

I thought in those days Harper wanted to end the culture of waste and scandal. I should have been paying closer attention.

He wanted to end “Liberal culture of waste” and scandal, and bring in a new era of Conservati­ve waste and scandal.

This week, The Fifth Estate reported the people that Harper put in charge of the mint made your expense claims look frugal.

Toronto tax lawyer James Love, who donated $63,000 to late finance minister Jim Flaherty’s provincial leadership campaigns, took amazing trips on the taxpayer, and even brought his wife.

I scoured your expenses and don’t recall you flying with your spouse — business class — to Australia or Vienna, as Love did, which cost taxpayers $38,000 in airfare alone. And I don’t recall you flying 11 employees to Mexico City for a conference, followed by a three-day jaunt to a luxury resort in beautiful Playa Del Carmen.

I think you would likely agree those expenses should never have been charged to taxpayers, and that the auditor general was hinting at that when he wrote this spring that “documentat­ion related to travel and hospitalit­y activities did not provide sufficient informatio­n to assess whether related expenses were reasonable.”

In contrast, your expenses followed the rules, as Pricewater-houseCoope­rs confirmed back then.

Looking back, I wonder why you became a public enemy, while few know Love’s name.

I think it’s because the Conservati­ves, back then, were a really effective opposition, and expense stories helped their winning narrative.

These days, every time the NDP goes after the government on scandal, Tory MP Paul Calandra tweaks them about their suspect spending on satellite offices, so they give the government an easy ride on this kind of story.

You were in the wrong place at the wrong time, and ended up a scapegoat. If this government, or the next, wants to bring someone in to sort out the mint’s expense policies, I can think of no better qualified person than you. Yours, Stephen Maher

 ?? PAT McGRATH/OTTAWA CITIZEN FILES ?? David Dingwall’s tenure at the Royal Canadian Mint was regular headline fodder, including his famous claim of being ‘entitled to my entitlemen­ts.’
PAT McGRATH/OTTAWA CITIZEN FILES David Dingwall’s tenure at the Royal Canadian Mint was regular headline fodder, including his famous claim of being ‘entitled to my entitlemen­ts.’
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