Vancouver Sun

Bachman hints best is yet to come

SOCAN lifetime-achievemen­t honouree isn’t resting on his laurels


TORONTO — Randy Bachman is open for business.

Though the 71-year-old Winnipeg native will receive a lifetime achievemen­t honour at Monday’s SOCAN Awards, he wants to make one thing exceedingl­y clear: We ain’t seen everything yet.

“It’s obviously a huge honour to get a lifetime achievemen­t award — I just don’t want it to signify that my life is over,” the chatty Bachman said in a recent interview.

“As you write songs and be a musician, if you don’t selfdestru­ct with drugs and alcohol — which I never have — you get better and better and better.

“It’s not like an athlete that has their prime and their knees go bad or their shoulder,” he says. “As a songwriter, I get more intuitive, I write more.

“I will go anywhere and write with anybody. My publishing is called Write Songs Will Travel. If you’ve got a new artist or an old artist and you want me to write a song, I will be there.”

As Bachman gathers steam on this topic, it becomes clear it’s a track he’s been riding a long time.

Although his catalogue of hits with the Guess Who and Bachman-Turner Overdrive has inspired impersonat­ions from the likes of Lenny Kravitz and Mavis Staples, he’s found less success peddling his own solo tunes to establishe­d artists. And it’s not for lack of trying. “I’ve sent songs to everybody: Neil Diamond, Barbra Streisand, Celine Dion, Mariah Carey, Sheena Easton, Tina Turner,” he says.

“They’d be playing Vancouver, I would buy a cassette player when they were brand new — the little ghetto blasters in bright pink and bright turquoise — put my cassette in there and deliver it with 12 roses to their dressing room.

“Anything to get a song to these artists,” he says. “But no one’s ever done one.”

Though perhaps mainly known for his supple guitar work, Bachman has three U.S. No. 1 hits to his name (and seven at home in Canada) and he’s certain there’s more gold lurking within his ample vault.

 ?? NATHAN DENETTE/THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? ‘I’ve got such great songs that nobody has heard,’ says rocker Randy Bachman. ‘All they’ve heard are my greatest hits.’
NATHAN DENETTE/THE CANADIAN PRESS ‘I’ve got such great songs that nobody has heard,’ says rocker Randy Bachman. ‘All they’ve heard are my greatest hits.’

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