Vancouver Sun


Debt crisis: Banks suffer run ahead of EU summit on Greece’s financial fate



Either Greece’s banks will open on Monday and Christos Dranos’s butcher’s shop will still be in business. Or they won’t and his shop and the country’s ties to the euro will be in serious peril.

“How am I going to buy my meat next week if the banks are closed and we have to go back to drachmas?” Dranos asked as he patiently ground mutton into lamb burger at the stall in Varvakeios Market that he started 42 years ago.

Greece’s banks suffered a 4.2 billion euro ($5.8 billion) run last week ahead of an emergency European Union summit called for Monday in Brussels on the country’s deepening debt crisis and the continuing standoff between Athens and its foreign creditors.

How much longer the country’s banking system can sustain such withdrawal­s before strict capital controls are imposed is one of many daunting questions facing Greeks. At stake is the country’s future in the euro, membership in the EU and the most painful question of all: whether the cradle of democracy might soon end up as a failed state.

“Anyone who says they are not scared a lot about this is not telling the truth,” Dranos said. “We speak about this all day long. We speak of nothing else. Already lots of my customers are only buying half a kilogram of meat for the family meal. They say they cannot afford any more than that.” A continuing rush for cash at ATM machines over the weekend suggests that panic has already set in. But beaches and coffee shops in Athens were as packed as ever — as was the Parthenon, underlinin­g that at least the country’s last viable major industry, tourism, is still prospering.

“As long as people can get money, they will be calm, but if the banks are closed you will see panic,” said Maria Chlorou, who works as a tour guide.

“Our hospitals already have big shortages of things such as cotton and syringes. If our teachers don’t get paid, they won’t teach. People do not want to confront such realities.”

Tourism aside, Greece’s economy has been grim. Unemployme­nt is at 25 per cent, with youth unemployme­nt almost double that. Public debt is a staggering 177 per cent of GDP. And ominously, tax revenues for May dropped by nearly one billion euros, or 25 per cent.

Reports that the drachma could return haven’t helped because most observers predict it would be radically devalued.

Still, many Greeks remain convinced that the EU, the IMF and the European Central Bank are bluffing and that they will once again come through with funds at the last minute, as happened in 2012, and that Greece will not have to drop the euro, a possibilit­y that has become known as “Grexit.”

“They cannot let Greece collapse. Too much money is involved,” predicted a senior executive with one of Greece’s most well-known hotels, who offered only a first name because he was not authorized to speak publicly about such a sensitive subject. “I believe that Greece will get a further credit extension.”

Greece’s long dance with bankruptcy has come down to this: The country may yet get a loan big enough to make a scheduled payment of 1.5 billion euro on June 30 on its current 248 billion euro debt, while giving negotiator­s more time to wrangle over the terms of a much bigger aid package that would be tied to radical reforms and draconian budget cuts — or the money tap will be cut off.

Although Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras was in Brussels for backroom talks over the weekend, there is not much reason for optimism. His hard-left government, which was elected in January on a promise to end austerity, has not yet shown any signs that it is willing to undertake the cuts and tax rises that the EU and the IMF have demanded.

Socrates Hajiconsta­ntinou, like many Greeks, has a huge personal stake in his country staying in the EU. A teacher, he oversees infrastruc­ture programs for schools throughout the country that are funded by the EU. Since the crisis began more than four years ago, he had always thought that a solution could be found. Now, suddenly, he is not so sure.

“The prevailing theory until a few weeks ago was that Tsipras would back down and go for a deal, but in the last week there is real fear,” Hajiconsta­ntinou said. “I and many of my friends and colleagues have been emptying our accounts and putting our money into things like foreign stocks that won’t be affected by the run on the banks.”

The paradox is that, as a recent poll found, while 74 per cent of Greeks want to remain in the EU, 50 per cent of them approve of the tough line that Tsipras has taken against the EU.

Many Greeks have simply given up hope and left. One of them is 21-year-old Nikos Haris. He was working for “big money” in a mine in Western Australia, said his father, Nikolaos, who drives a taxi in Athens.

“What else could he do? For two years he could find no work here,” Haris lamented. His daughter, Sophia, who had returned to Greece after attending the Sorbonne in France, faced similarly dim employment prospects.

The elderly aren’t much more optimistic. Quietly surveying the passing scene from a park bench, a 70-year-old woman said she has long ago given up worrying about whether the government might cut her pension, as the EU and IMF had demanded.

“Since they took away my Christmas and Easter pension bonus, I only get €400 a month,” she said. “If it gets worse in the next days my plan is to go back to the village where I was born. I will grow tomatoes and raise a few goats and chickens. I won’t starve because it is impossible to starve in Greece.”

At stake is the country’s future in the euro, membership in the EU and the most painful question of all :whether the cradle of democracy might soon end up as a failed state.

 ?? THANASSIS STAVRAKIS/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? A Greek Orthodox priest crosses the street outside the Bank of Greece headquarte­rs in Athens on Friday. Many Greeks remain convinced that the EU, the IMF and the European Central Bank will once again come through with funds at the last minute, as...
THANASSIS STAVRAKIS/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS A Greek Orthodox priest crosses the street outside the Bank of Greece headquarte­rs in Athens on Friday. Many Greeks remain convinced that the EU, the IMF and the European Central Bank will once again come through with funds at the last minute, as...
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