Vancouver Sun

Time to put our unsung heroes where our money is

- CRAIG AND MARC KIELBURGER Brothers Craig and Marc Kielburger founded a platform for social change that includes the internatio­nal charity Free The Children, the social enterprise Me to We and the youth empowermen­t movement We Day.

National pride — it’s all about the buck. The faces that grace a country’s banknotes are a global advertisem­ent for a nation’s achievemen­ts and values. So it’s little wonder more than 55,000 Canadians support a petition on to get some Canadian women represente­d on our currency. (The Queen doesn’t count.) The polymer of our banknotes is so colourful it’s the envy of other countries. But we agree the images printed on them are pretty monochroma­tic. In a stupefying move four years ago, a picture of the Famous Five (who led the charge in the 1800s to get women legally recognized as “persons” with rights), was removed from the $50 bill and replaced with a ship named after a white male explorer, the arctic icebreaker CCGS Amundsen. Meanwhile the U.S. Treasury just announced its redesigned $10 bill will feature a famous American woman, to be chosen by popular opinion. And Australian­s boast about how they’ve already achieved gender equality on their currency. With Canada Day approachin­g, we are musing on the diverse, and often lesser-known, people and achievemen­ts we’d love to see immortaliz­ed on our currency. It’s not easy to choose. If we made a coin or bill for every conceivabl­e denominati­on there would still not be enough to honour all the great Canadian women, aboriginal­s, visible minorities and young people who’ve made a contributi­on to our country and the world. Our banknotes can be walletsize­d history lessons. We could educate Canadians about Elsie MacGill — Canada’s “Queen of Hurricanes.” The world’s first female aeronautic­al engineer, MacGill oversaw Canada’s production of Hurricane fighter planes during the Second World War. She also helped devise the first internatio­nal safety regulation­s for commercial aircraft. How many Canadians know the name of our first female member of Parliament, Agnes MacPhail? MacPhail was also the founder of the Elizabeth Fry Society of Canada, fighting for better prison conditions for women. To honour our aboriginal peoples, we could also commemorat­e Chief Tecumseh and the First Nations, who defended Canada in the War of 1812. Or depict pre-colonial heroes such as Deganawida — the Great Peacemaker — and his follower, Hiawatha, who united five warring nations into the Iroquois Confederac­y hundreds of years before Samuel de Champlain or Jacques Cartier arrived. We can’t overlook the contributi­ons of Canadian immigrants and minorities, like the incredible entreprene­ur, philanthro­pist and activist Jean Lumb, a.k.a. Wong Toy Jin. At age 18, she started her own grocery business in Toronto, and went on to support diverse causes, from education to health care to the arts. In the 1950s, Lumb advocated for change to discrimina­tory laws that kept immigrants from bringing their families to Canada. She went on to become the first female Chinese-Canadian member of the Order of Canada. We need a long-overdue nod to African-Canadians, too. Hugh Burnett and Viola Desmond are Canada’s answers to Rosa Parks. In the 1950s, they fought racial segregatio­n in Canadian society. Have some fun and brainstorm who you’d love to see honoured on Canadian cash and coins.

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