Vancouver Sun

Liberals grab lead in policy war

Giving ground: Tories, NDP display curious strategy in allowing Trudeau to float his ideas unchalleng­ed

- Michael Den Tandt

Justin Trudeau, who was bludgeoned for so long for lacking policy, now has too much of it. Or so it would seem, when comparing his recent forays with those of his two main competitor­s. And this is odd. Why would the New Democrats and Tories cede so much ground to the Liberal leader now, of all times, with just four months until the scheduled federal election? Are they betting too heavily on their younger rival flounderin­g in televised debate? Or, perhaps it’s this: Tom Mulcair is banking on his fierce Mackenzie Bowell whiskers to get him through, Stephen Harper on his patrician silvering hair.

Take trade, for instance. In a speech in Ottawa Monday, Trudeau targeted Harper’s uneasy personal relationsh­ip with U.S. President Barack Obama. The Liberal leader noted, as he has in the past, that the single most important item on the strategic docket from Canada’s perspectiv­e over the past four years — completion of the proposed Keystone XL pipeline — has been a bust. Reasonable people can disagree on the share of blame that is rightly Harper’s, vs. Obama’s, but it’s difficult to argue the PM’s hectoring “it’s a no-brainer” approach has been anything but counter-productive when the project is, at best, indefinite­ly stalled.

Trudeau then said what he would do as an alternativ­e to promote North American trade: first, scrap the Mexico travel visa requiremen­t imposed by Ottawa in 2009 (Mexico has pressed for an end to the visa restrictio­n, to no avail); second, work toward a continenta­l clean energy and environmen­tal deal; third, renew efforts to ease the passage of goods and people across the Canada-U.S. border; and fourth, establish a cabinet committee concerned with nothing but the cross-border relationsh­ip.

Tory supporters will cry foul, noting the Grits’ spotty record of interactio­n with Uncle Sam. It seems when there’s a Democrat in the White House, Liberal prime ministers are keen on cuddling up, as Jean Chrétien did with Bill Clinton in the 1990s; but when the situation is reversed, such as in the 1980s when Republican Ronald Reagan warbled Irish Eyes with Tory Brian Mulroney, any friendline­ss on Canada’s part is branded toadyism. It’s a fair point.

The fact remains that Trudeau has named the problem and proposed remedies, whereas Harper’s response to Keystone’s failure has been to go mute on the subject. Mulcair, for his part, never liked the pipeline plan to begin with, spoke out against it in Washington and presumably has not changed his view.

With respect to taxes, after all the verbiage, talking points, claims and countercla­ims, it seems Trudeau has put his party marginally ahead of the Conservati­ves pound for policy pound, because the Liberals’ proposed middle-class tax cut and revised national child benefit would, in fact, constitute a financial break for the majority, and not a tax increase, as Employment Minister Pierre Poilievre wanly insisted for weeks on end this spring. The Conservati­ves could have pre-empted this state of affairs with a broad middleclas­s tax cut of their own after it became obvious last winter this was the Liberal plan; they chose to stick with income-splitting for couples, which the late Jim Flaherty said benefited too few Canadians for his liking.

Mulcair, meantime, has promised to boost the federal corporate tax rate by three or four points into the high teens, from the current 15 per cent, but has latterly seemed uncertain of his math. In a scathing dissection last week, The Canadian Press’ Joan Bryden had the NDP leader wobbling all over the map and still not settling on a final target. This last is surprising: the New Democrats have known, or should have known, for months, that both Liberals and Conservati­ves would be gunning for the costing of their voluminous promises, which already run into the tens of billions for a fouryear term.

On Senate reform, the Liberals — sadly, for those of us who would like to see the Red Chamber turned into a bowling alley — have offered, thus far, the only feasible alternativ­e to the status quo, given the Constituti­onal constraint­s.

Sweeping electoral reform was always NDP territory; as of last week, the Trudeau Liberals have made it their own, promising to ditch Canada’s first-past-thepost electoral system. It remains to be seen whether this translates into votes, but no one can fault the plan for lack of ambition.

There are, of course, four months to go in this campaign. Harper and Mulcair doubtless have policy surprises of their own, held in reserve. But for the time being, they’re left arguing Trudeau can’t deliver, or won’t deliver, what he has pledged; which is a far cry from being able to credibly say he has nothing on offer.

There’s a pervasive assumption among Trudeau’s opponents he’ll scupper himself in the debates, which he may. Given how the policy battle is shaping up, it seems they may be relying overmuch on that view.

 ?? FRED CHARTRAND/THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Justin Trudeau’s opponents may be relying too much on the view that he’ll scupper himself in the debates.
FRED CHARTRAND/THE CANADIAN PRESS Justin Trudeau’s opponents may be relying too much on the view that he’ll scupper himself in the debates.
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