Vancouver Sun

Trudeau losing ISIL political battle

Foreign policy: Harper holds centrist position alone, while Mulcair dodges backlash hitting Liberals

- Michael Den Tandt

Last September, with MPs just back from summer break, Stephen Harper delivered a speech in Ottawa in which foreign policy figured large. His thesis, which would be much repeated in the weeks following, was that we live in “dark and dangerous” times. The message was politicall­y potent because of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant’s barbaric beheading videos. It would be viscerally reinforced in October, with the murders of Canadian soldiers Patrice Vincent and Nathan Cirillo by Islamist-inspired zealots.

The Conservati­ve party, discerning that a majority of Canadians both loathe ISIL and support the internatio­nal coalition now making war against it, put Canada in the fight, albeit with a modest commitment of six CF-18 fighter-bombers, two Aurora spy planes and a Polaris refueller, and for just six months initially. Thomas Mulcair’s New Democrats voted against, as did Justin Trudeau’s Liberals, though with a few more caveats and qualifiers.

In late March, when time came to extend, the NDP again opposed and, despite speculatio­n the Liberals would change their stance, so did they. The upshot is that, in the run-up to the Oct. 19 federal election, the Tories have the centrist position in the fight against violent Islamist extremism completely to themselves. The New Democrats never held this ground to begin with. And the Grits, Trudeau confirmed Tuesday in an interview with the CBC’s Terry Milewski, have given it up. A Liberal government, Trudeau said categorica­lly, would pull Canada’s CF-18s out of Iraq and also seek to resume diplomatic relations with Iran.

For all intents and purposes, then, the Liberals and NDP now have the same foreign policy — with the possible difference that the NDP may actually be slightly less keen on rapprochem­ent with Iran than the Liberals. In 2012, after Ottawa closed Canada’s embassy in Tehran, citing security concerns, Mulcair distanced himself from criticism of the move by his own foreign affairs point man, Paul Dewar.

The NDP’s policy book sheds little light on the question, repeating old chestnuts about peacekeepi­ng and the sanctity of the United Nations, and neglecting that peacekeepi­ng as an institutio­n has not worked anywhere for two decades. Thursday Harper himself linked his two main rivals’ postures vis-à-vis ISIL, calling the lot “irresponsi­ble electoral politics.” Hello, ballot question.

All of which raises this puzzle, among others: if the Dippers and Grits now share more or less the same left-of-centre foreign policy, with minor shadings, why is Trudeau the one mainly getting hammered for it this week, while coverage of Mulcair continues to focus on his meteoric ascent in the polls?

The New Democrats now stand at 36 per cent in public support, according to the latest survey by Forum Research, with the Tories and Liberals well back at 28 per cent. That could be an anomaly: In the aggregate, the three main parties are still in a virtual dead heat. But the NDP clearly has the wind at its back. If Trudeau is taking hits because of his hearkening to the soft-power postures of yesteryear, why hasn’t Mulcair sustained a comparable barrage?

The first reason is obvious: the Conservati­ve spin cycle is still set on Liberal. Whatever the polls may say, one gets the impression the PM and his supporters continue to consider Trudeau to be their principal foe. A related phenomenon is at work, it’s fair to say, in the media. Trudeau has long made front pages and seized TV oxygen more or less effortless­ly. That applied when his poll numbers were in the ascendant and it applies now, when the reverse is happening.

More importantl­y, Trudeau’s foreign policy is a deviation from his party’s recent past. It’s widely assumed that his slide in support since last year has stemmed mainly from displeasur­e with a Liberal stance on the anti-terrorist bill, C-51, that is conflicted and nuanced, compared with NDP and Tory positions that are simple and clear. But Trudeau’s support peaked last summer, based on the aggregate of polls as measured by ThreeHundr­, at 39 per cent, and began falling sharply during the debate over the ISIL mission, months before C-51 came along.

That may have had something to do initially with disapprova­l over his flippant remark about Harper whipping out his CF-18s. More likely, it has to do with a perception of inconstanc­y and a lack of seriousnes­s on this file, compared with previous Liberal positions as adopted by Paul Martin, Michael Ignatieff and Bob Rae.

It was a Liberal government that put Canada in Afghanista­n in 2002 and opted in 2005 to expand that mission. In 2010, the party supported Harper’s move to add training Afghan security forces. Foreign policy has been one area where, in the past, Liberals displayed an internatio­nalist resolve that set them apart from the New Democrats. The old distinctio­n is, for all intents and purposes, gone. That Trudeau chose to underline this, even as the NDP proceeds to hammer down his front gate, is curious indeed.

 ?? CANADIAN FORCES COMBAT CAMERA/DND ?? Both Justin Trudeau and Thomas Mulcair stand in opposition to Canada’s role in the war on ISIL, meaning the old distinctio­n in foreign policy between Liberals and the NDP is, for all intents and purposes, gone.
CANADIAN FORCES COMBAT CAMERA/DND Both Justin Trudeau and Thomas Mulcair stand in opposition to Canada’s role in the war on ISIL, meaning the old distinctio­n in foreign policy between Liberals and the NDP is, for all intents and purposes, gone.
 ??  ??

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