Vancouver Sun

Little support for mandatory CPP contributi­on increases

Hot topic: In surveys, Canadians have said there are better ways for Ottawa to help them save for retirement

- Laura Jones Laura Jones is executive vice-president of the Canadian Federation of Independen­t Business.

Whether or not Canadians should be forced to save more for retirement — an issue that affects the pocketbook­s of all working Canadians — is shaping up to be a big federal election issue. Déjà vu all over again?

So let’s start with a little history. For the past decade, a growing awareness of the massive unfunded liabilitie­s of public-sector pension plans, which tend to be far more generous than those offered in the private sector, has been putting pressure on politician­s to do a better job controllin­g public-sector compensati­on.

The union response, led by the Canadian Labour Congress, was to mount a campaign to convince finance ministers across Canada to consider a mandatory increase to the Canadian Pension Plan. Pushing for a mandatory CPP increase distracts attention from overly generous publicsect­or compensati­on plans. It also helps reduce the unfunded pension liability of public-sector pension plans because when the portion that comes from CPP is increased, the obligation from the public-sector pension fund is lower.

The CLC was successful at getting a CPP increase on the agenda of a meeting of finance ministers from across Canada in 2010 and subsequent­ly getting some support for increasing CPP from the federal government and many of the provinces. By 2013, it looked like an increase might have the support it needed (two-thirds of the provinces representi­ng twothirds of the population) to be approved.

At this point, small business owners really started lighting their hair on fire as it looked like they were headed for a payroll tax increase with no public consultati­on. Currently, Canadian employers and employees each pay 4.95 per cent of payroll costs (on earnings between $3,500 and $52,000) to the existing CPP. Increasing these costs wasn’t seen as palatable to business owners or their employees. Survey results from over 8,000 business owners in 2013 indicated that a mandatory increase in CPP would cause businesses to consider wage freezes and reduce investment­s in the business.

An Angus Reid public opinion poll, conducted at around the same time, confirmed that Canadians agreed with small business owners that there were better ways for the government to help Canadians save for retirement. Only 18 per cent felt that introducin­g a mandatory increase in CPP was the best option, while 54 per cent supported tax relief. Both business owners and the general public indicated that forcing them to save more for retirement would take money from other important priorities, including, ironically, other ways of saving for retirement.

In December 2013, the issue was temporaril­y put to bed when Jim Flaherty declared the time was not right for a CPP increase. Now, it is back as an election issue with the federal NDP, Liberals, and Green party all supporting a mandatory CPP increase while the Conservati­ves oppose a mandatory increase but would consider allowing Canadians to voluntary increase their CPP contributi­ons.

Another important wrinkle: After there was no agreement to increase the CPP contributi­ons, Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne decided to “go it alone” and introduce an Ontario Retirement Pension Plan that would increase employee and employer contributi­ons by up to $1,643 each, a 40-per-cent increase on existing CPP premiums.

So it’s a safe bet this will be a hot topic when the premiers get together next month in Newfoundla­nd for the Council of the Federation meeting. It’s another safe bet that small businesses across Canada will protest strongly if the premiers decide to join Wynne in her policy folly. Helping Canadians save for retirement is widely supported. Forcing them to do it through an increase to a mandated government payroll tax is not.

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