Vancouver Sun

Canadians would love to vote for Hillary Clinton


If Canadians were deciding the next U.S. president, Hillary Clinton would win by the largest landslide in the country’s history, according to a new poll surveying Canadian attitudes toward U.S. politics.

And if Canadians had their pick of presidenti­al nominees, Calgary-born Sen. Ted Cruz would be one of their last choices for the Republican party, reads the Mainstreet Research survey commission­ed by Postmedia. Were Clinton to stand as the Democratic presidenti­al nominee against Republican Jeb Bush, 72 per cent of Canadians surveyed said they would vote for the former first lady.

Another 11 per cent were “not sure,” leaving only 16 per cent of voters backing the former Florida governor.

By contrast, the largest share of the popular vote ever managed in a real-life U.S. election was 61.05 per cent, when incumbent president Lyndon Johnson trounced Republican challenger Barry Goldwater in 1964.

Not only would Canadian voters inaugurate another President Clinton, it didn’t seem to matter who she ran against.

Were Clinton to run against Bush, Cruz or even billionair­e Donald Trump, Canadian voters would return virtually the same result.

Overall, Cruz did very poorly in the survey, despite being the only contender with direct ties to the Great White North.

Cruz was born in Calgary to an American mother, but renounced his Canadian citizenshi­p earlier this year as he prepared to make a bid for the U.S. presidency.

Of the choices for Republican presidenti­al candidate, Canadians ranked Cruz near the bottom, with Marco Rubio, Bush, Rand Paul and Trump all enjoying higher levels of support.

This was in spite of the fact that both Bush and Trump enjoyed whirlwind disapprova­l among respondent­s, with Trump in particular currying a 65 per cent “unfavourab­le” rating.

The Mainstreet survey — which contacted a random sample of 2,511 Canadians on June 29 — also found Canadians wildly in support of incumbent U.S. President Barack Obama.

Fully 75 per cent of respondent­s expressed “total approval” for Obama, the 44th president.

Recent U.S. polls, meanwhile, put Obama’s approval rating at about 50 per cent — a two-year high following a week of policy victories for the president, including a Supreme Court ruling establishi­ng same-sex marriage as a legal right.

Canadians are much less enchanted with the government they get to vote for. In a June EKOS poll, the Conservati­ves were found to have only 29.2 per cent of the vote, compared with 31.3 per cent for the NDP.

Canadians are likely not alone in their love for Clinton.

Since at least the 1990s, Democratic presidenti­al candidates are routinely favoured over Republican­s by foreign population­s.

In 2012, a BBC World Service survey of 21 countries found that 20 would favour Obama over Republican challenger Mitt Romney, with the strongest support coming from Australia, Canada and the U.K., all of whom are governed by rightleani­ng parties.

Since Canadian Confederat­ion in 1867, Canada has traditiona­lly held more liberal political views than its neighbour to the south.

Canada has tighter gun laws, ushered in universal health care in the 1960s, and brought in countrywid­e same-sex marriage in 2006.

Perhaps most notably — at least to Americans — Canada also opposed U.S.-championed conflicts in Vietnam and Iraq.

Canadians and Americans do concur, however, when it comes to selecting “the economy” as the chief problem facing the United States.

On that question, the Mainstreet poll matched the results of a similar Gallup poll of U.S. citizens conducted in March.

However, Canadians differed sharply from their American cousins when it came to immigratio­n and race.

Only three per cent of Canadians thought immigratio­n was the most pressing U.S. problem, compared with seven per cent of Americans.

Conversely, 17 per cent of Canadians said the United States’ worst problem was “racism,” while “race relations” scored a meagre three per cent in Gallup data.

 ?? DAVID GOLDMAN/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILES ?? A poll of Canadians suggests widespread support for Hillary Clinton were she to stand as the Democratic presidenti­al nominee.
DAVID GOLDMAN/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILES A poll of Canadians suggests widespread support for Hillary Clinton were she to stand as the Democratic presidenti­al nominee.

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