Vancouver Sun

Canada’s growing adult ADHD epidemic

Psychiatri­st says growing numbers of healthy people taking ‘prescripti­on speed’


A fast-rising number of Canadian adults are being diagnosed with ADHD, and being prescribed speed-like stimulants, but experts suggest many are taking the drugs for a mental edge, not because they have a true brain disorder.

Adults now account for more than a third of all ADHD-medication prescripti­ons, and their share of the $408-million Canadian market is increasing quickly, according to Shire, maker of the ADHD drug Vyvanse.

In an article published this month in the Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, McGill University psychiatri­st Dr. Joel Paris says the diagnostic criteria for adult ADHD are so broad they could easily describe anyone who has trouble focusing.

He and others worry the drugs are being used by growing numbers of healthy people as pharmacolo­gical brain “enhancers” in today’s hyper-competitiv­e corporate culture.

“Society increasing­ly demands a high level of performanc­e on tasks that require sustained attention and multi-tasking,” Paris and his co-authors write.

Those social forces can motivate people to seek stimulant prescripti­ons, he said. And a prescripti­on requires a diagnosis of ADHD.

“A rapidly increasing frequency of a once-rare condition may reflect increased recognitio­n,” Paris writes, “but may also constitute a diagnostic epidemic.”

Dr. Allen Frances, a professor emeritus at Duke University, said the upswing in stimulant prescripti­ons for adults is a result of aggressive marketing to doctors and the public.

“Pharma has already created a wild and dangerous epidemic of prescripti­on narcotics,” Frances said. “Next on its agenda is pushing the sale of prescripti­on speed.”

“If we want to allow people to take speed for performanc­e enhancemen­t, or make it legal for recreation­al purposes, there should be a discussion of that,” said Frances, author of Saving Normal: An Insider’s Revolt Against Out-of-Control Psychiatri­c Diagnosis, DSM-5, Big Pharma and the Medicaliza­tion of Ordinary Life.

“We shouldn’t be sneaking in the legalizati­on of speed for a fake diagnosis of ADHD in adults. It’s medicalizi­ng what should be a societal debate about the role of these medicines in society.”

Paris is more worried people are being misdiagnos­ed with ADHD when other issues, such as anxiety, depression or substance abuse may be at play.

“It’s what I call a psychiatri­c fad, in which you have a medication which is known to work for certain people and you say, ‘let’s try it here, let’s try it there,’” Paris said in an interview.

“And some of these patients do have a little bit more focus after you give them stimulants, because everybody is somewhat better focused if they get a stimulant.

“But when people report this back to their doctor, this is seen as, ‘I knew it was ADHD, and I’m right.’”

Children still surpass adults as the main users of ADHD drugs (64 per cent versus 36 per cent), according to Shire. In 2014, the adult ADHD market grew by 17 per cent, versus 10 per cent for children. In all, more than 4.5 million prescripti­ons were filled by Canadian drugstores in 2014, according to market research firm IMS Brogan.

Paris said ADHD is a neurodevel­opmental disorder rooted in childhood. According to the official diagnostic criteria, an adult can’t have ADHD if he or she did not have it as a child.

“I do a lot of consultati­ons for family doctors, a couple of hundred a year,” he said. “And some patients are coming in having received this diagnosis and stimulants without sufficient data to support it.

“They complain of various things — I can’t focus or I can’t multi-task, I can’t get things done, I’m disorganiz­ed,” he said. But they have no history of ever having been in trouble at school, or being sent to the principal’s office or pulled out of class.

High doses of stimulants can cause high blood pressure and arrhythmia­s, or erratic heartbeat in people with underlying structural changes in their heart. Health Canada recently strengthen­ed warnings that an array of ADHD drugs can increase the risk of suicidal thoughts.

Stimulants can also make mental disorders worse.

“You don’t want to take speed — and this is essentiall­y speed — if you’re schizophre­nic or have bipolar disorder, anxiety disorder, sleep problems or a whole host of other psychiatri­c conditions,” said Frances, who chaired the task force that produced the fourth version of the Diagnostic and Statistica­l Manual of Mental Disorders used the world over to diagnose mental illness.

An expert in ADHD, Dr. Anthony Rostain, professor of psychiatry and pediatrics at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvan­ia, said stimulants are clearly being misused.

“There is no question that there are forces at work to push people to increase productivi­ty,” Rostain said. “Sometimes it’s very conscious-like: ‘I’m just going to go in (to see a doctor) and say I have it when I don’t.’ That would be a form of malingerin­g; it’s feigning ADHD.”

But Rostain said there is no evidence of an “epidemic” of over-diagnosis, and the rate of adult ADHD is increasing largely because it’s a relatively recently recognized phenomenon.

ADHD looks different in adults, Rostain said. “Fidgety and squirmy may be things we notice in children, but in adults it may be more restlessne­ss and an inability to get things done and constantly being late or disorganiz­ed.”

Some adults were never treated for ADHD in childhood. Rostain said that, as books like Driven to Distractio­n were published and as more parents were getting their children diagnosed, “the doctor would say, ‘ Do you have any of these symptoms, did you have them as a child?’ And the parents would say, ‘ Oh my god, yes I did. In fact, I was just like my son.’ And a certain number of them would say, ‘ By the way, I still am.’”

“Pharma has already created a wild andd angerous epidemic of prescripti­on narcotics. Next on its agenda is pushing the sale of prescripti­on speed.


 ?? CHRISTINNE MUSCHI FOR POSTMEDIA NEWS FILES ?? McGill University psychiatri­st Dr. Joel Paris says the criteria for diagnosing adult ADHD is so broad it could easily describe anyone who has trouble focusing.
CHRISTINNE MUSCHI FOR POSTMEDIA NEWS FILES McGill University psychiatri­st Dr. Joel Paris says the criteria for diagnosing adult ADHD is so broad it could easily describe anyone who has trouble focusing.

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