Vancouver Sun

Saving Earth from Pac-Man

Adam Sandler and the gang create a mildly amusing nostalgia trip


Pixels Rating:

Starring: Adam Sandler, Kevin James, Michelle Monaghan Directed by: Chris Columbus

Running time: 106 minutes

Here’s a far-fetched concept for you: In 1982, the winners of a video-game championsh­ip had their achievemen­ts videotaped and sent into space aboard a probe that somehow wound up in the hands of aliens. They took the blasting of space invaders as a personal affront, and have now mounted a retaliator­y attack on Earth. The gamers, one of whom (Kevin James) is now the U.S. president, must use their mad skills to defeat the extraterre­strials, who assault our planet in the form of real-life versions of Pac-Man, Centipede, Pong, Donkey Kong, etc. Only by playing out these ancient computer games with light-emitting blasters on the streets of New York and Washington can our planet be saved.

I know. Kevin James as president?

In fact, the Jamesian regime is one of a number of mini-plots that seem to have been cobbled together to create a mildly amusing nostalgia trip, and probably the funniest movie ever to feature both James and Adam Sandler. (Not a high bar.) There’s also Sandler as a tech nerd who falls for an out-of-his-league lady (Michelle Monaghan). And Josh Gad as the shy loner who grew into an adult version of the same creature, and now must find his way out of his shell.

That leaves Peter Dinklage as Eddie “The Fire Blaster” Plant, an amalgam of the type of reallife gamers seen in such documentar­ies as 2007’s King of Kong or Chasing Ghosts. He also seems to be channellin­g the voice of Barry White, and tells detractors in resonant tones that it doesn’t really matter if he made up his nickname himself; it still counts.

The real inspiratio­n for Pixels is the short film of the same name by Patrick Jean — Google “Pixels short” and you’ll find it, two minutes and 34 seconds of anarchic, creative joy. The short has little in the way of plot, which meant professor Sandler scribes Timothy Dowling (Role Models, Just Go with It) and Tim Herlihy (everything else) had to cook up a story beefy enough to fill an additional 103½ minutes.

They almost manage it. After a Grown Ups-style prologue that sees young actors playing the main cast members in 1982, the movie shifts to the present day, with Sandler as Brenner, a guy who can set up your new home entertainm­ent system.

In his orange uniform he looks like he has a get-into-jail-free card, but somehow he maintains a close friendship with James’ President Cooper. The two are so tight that when a U.S. military base in Guam is attacked, the president’s first move is to call his buddy Brenner.

He also brings in Lt.-Col. Violet van Patten (Monaghan), who has just had a meet-cute with Brenner.

The aliens communicat­e through video recreation­s of such ’ 80s icons as Ronald Reagan and Mr. Roarke, with their ultimatum being delivered by Hall and Oates, which feels about right.

It’s worth noting some of the references come from after 1982 — Max Headroom and the Where’s the Beef lady didn’t appear until ’84, and neither did Tetris, but the vision of highrise meets low-rez was probably too tempting to let go.

Director Chris Columbus (Harry Potter 1 and 2) lets the scenes play out, often a bit too loosely, to encompass random moments of karaoke, out-ofcharacte­r speeches and shots of military types (Sean Bean, Brian Cox, etc.) looking grumpy at having their world-saving jobs made redundant by a bunch of nerds.

Not sure what Tom McCarthy is doing in a robot suit, or why Dinklage’s character has a thing for Serena Williams and/or Martha Stewart, but maybe it’s best to let such moments pass without remark. Anyone who lived through the ’ 80s knows that not everything that happened in that decade made perfect sense.

 ??  ?? Michelle Monaghan, Adam Sandler, Josh Gad, and Peter Dinklage star in the absurd, yet relatively funny, Pixels, blasting away aliens shaped like Pac-Man, Donkey Kong and other 1980s game characters.
Michelle Monaghan, Adam Sandler, Josh Gad, and Peter Dinklage star in the absurd, yet relatively funny, Pixels, blasting away aliens shaped like Pac-Man, Donkey Kong and other 1980s game characters.
 ??  ?? With cars coloured like the ghosts Pinky, Clyde, Blinky and Inky, our heroes face down a menacing Pac-Man in the new comedy, Pixels.
With cars coloured like the ghosts Pinky, Clyde, Blinky and Inky, our heroes face down a menacing Pac-Man in the new comedy, Pixels.

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