Vancouver Sun

JUSTIN TRUDEAU: Trying to show he’s ready


Before politics: Taught high school math and French in Vancouver. Chaired the now-defunct Katimavik youth volunteeri­ng program and was a public speaker for hire.

First political impression­s: After unseating Bloc Quebecois MP Vivian Barbot in the 2008, early career was light on policy and punctuated with high-profile gaffes. But after the Liberals’ historic drubbing in 2011, won 2013 leadership race in little more than a coronation.

Evolution of the brand: Countering Tory criticism that he’s a haircut in a suit, Trudeau trimmed his curly locks and honed his message. Accepted suspended Tory Sen. Patrick Brazeau’s challenge to a boxing match and thumped him, advocated legalizati­on of marijuana and turned Conservati­ve attack machine against itself — painting the government as petty, mean-spirited and out of touch with ordinary Canadians.

On the gaffe scale (1 to 5), and biggest gaffe: 4. Missteps frequent and highly publicized. Somewhat awkward sense of humour a particular source of misery for the party. Made a clumsy joke alluding to the prime minister’s foreign policy and male genitalia. Thing Canadians would most want to share with him: A joint? Probably a beer. Known to enjoy the occasional Labatt 50.

Flagship policy: Wants to cut taxes for middle-class Canadians by up to $670 per year by imposing a tax hike on the richest one per cent. Also, would modify the Tories’ universal child care benefit program so that families earning more than $200,000 a year aren’t eligible, while lower-income families would get more benefit money. And legal weed.

Achilles heel: While opponents deride him as a dilettante and Just Not Ready™, started to lose momentum when he decided to become everything to everyone. Against the anti-terror bill but voted for it. Supported campaign against Islamic State, later opposed it.

Poll position: Third.

Winning strategy: Loose and energetic. At his best when he sticks to the script, keeps jokes to a minimum, stays positive.

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