Vancouver Sun

Spy film franchise set to take feminist turn

Spectre will do away with misogyny: Craig


As the world’s suavest spy, whose talents in the field are matched only by his powers of seduction, James Bond would appear to be an unlikely standard bearer for feminism. Until now.

The next instalment of 007 will see the spy in a less “sexist” role than ever before, actor Daniel Craig has said, as he admits: “The world has changed.”

For the new film, Spectre, Craig told Esquire magazine he would instead bring “weight and meaning” to the role. Craig, who has disclosed this is likely to be his final appearance as Bond, said the new film would consciousl­y make its parts for women as empowering as possible, to counteract Bond’s own behaviour.

In his first interview about Spectre, Craig told Esquire the 24th Bond film would be “Skyfall times 10.” But he added: “Hopefully, my Bond is not as sexist and misogynist­ic as (earlier incarnatio­ns). The world has changed.

“I am certainly not that person. But he is, and so what does that mean? It means you cast great actresses and make the parts as good as you can for the women in the movies.”

In recent years, the film franchise has endured criticism over its treatment of women, with critics calling for the role of the Bond Girl to be updated.

This time, director Sam Mendes has cast Monica Bellucci, the oldest actress to fill such a role. He is reported to have told her: “For the first time in history, James Bond is going to have a story with a mature woman. The concept is revolution­ary.”

The latest film will see Bond battle a mysterious and sinister organizati­on known as Spectre, and will star Christoph Waltz as villain Franz Oberhauser, Lea Seydoux as psychologi­st Dr. Madeleine Swann and Bellucci as Lucia Sciarra, the widow of an assassinat­ed mafioso.

Craig said, after Skyfall, the cast and crew were “understand­ably daunted” after creating the “biggest British movie of all time,” and asking themselves: “Where do we go from there? How do you process that?”

He said: “It could have been an albatross around everyone’s necks. It turned out not to be, but there was a massive amount of pressure at the beginning.”

The new movie, he said, is “a celebratio­n of all that is Bond.”

Despite his devotion to the films, Craig suggested this may be his last appearance in the role, paving the way for heightened speculatio­n over who will fill his shoes. When asked if he would continue in the franchise, he said: “At this moment, no. I have a life and I’ve got to get on with it a bit. But we’ll see.”

Craig, who is married to actress Rachel Weisz, did not spell out his next career move, but confessed the financial benefits had helped ameliorate concerns about being typecast as Bond.

“You know, it sounds awful but I’ve been left a wealthy man by doing this. I can afford to live very comfortabl­y … I’m incredibly fortunate.

“But the day I can walk into a pub and someone goes, ‘Oh, there’s Daniel Craig’ and then just leaves me alone, that’ll be great.”

 ?? ANDREW MEDICHINI/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Monica Bellucci and Daniel Craig star in Spectre. The film, opening Nov. 6, will likely mark Craig’s final portrayal as James Bond.
ANDREW MEDICHINI/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Monica Bellucci and Daniel Craig star in Spectre. The film, opening Nov. 6, will likely mark Craig’s final portrayal as James Bond.

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