Vancouver Sun

City steps in to tell people how to help Syrian refugees

Many people have been calling city hall asking for informatio­n


Eyob Naizghi, an Eritrean refugee who came to Canada 35 years ago, hopes to help Syrian refugees adjust to their new land as he himself was helped after landing on Canada’s shores.

“I’m very lucky to be in this country,” Naizghi told The Sun on Monday. “I’m one of the fortunate refugees who actually was sponsored by World University Service of Canada through UBC for my graduate work.

“But, I went through the same nightmare coming to Canada,” added Naizghi, the executive director of immigrant and refugees service organizati­on MOSAIC and the key speaker at a forum planned for tonight at Vancouver city hall on the Syrian refugee crisis. “I didn’t know the culture well. I did not even have family members here. It did get very lonely when I first arrived.”

The forum, which will be hosted by Mayor Gregor Robertson and start at 7 p.m., will feature discussion­s from speakers including Naizghi and Canadian Immigrant Settlement Sector Alliance Chair Chris Friesen, as well as officials from Immigrant Settlement Services and MOSAIC.

The goal of the event is “to share background informatio­n with the public, many of whom wish to help but are still unclear as to what are the various actions they can take to help address the crisis and assist those in need,” according to a news release.

Naizghi said the forum is important because it will help inform individual citizens how they can help.

“It’s all about learning, it’s a starting point, because Canadians overall have shown this type of compassion and humanitari­an response in the past.”

The forum announceme­nt was accompanie­d by a notice of Robertson’s plan to bring a motion before city council to call on Ottawa to take “immediate action” to assist refugees.

“The people of Vancouver have a proud history of welcoming refugees, and a deep commitment to ensuring that families affected by this ongoing crisis can find new hope, security, and opportunit­y in Canada,” Robertson said in a statement. “Vancouver must continue to expand upon the steps we are taking to be a welcoming city, but it’s clear that the Government of Canada has not been meeting our internatio­nal obligation­s in this continuing humanitari­an crisis. This motion calls for immediate action to assist a vastly greater number of refugees and their families, and for a new baseline national target of at least 20,000 government assisted refugees annually by 2020.”

The forum comes as migrants trying to reach the heart of Europe via Turkey, Greece, the Balkans and Hungary have faced dangers, difficulti­es and delays on every link of the journey.

Naizghi noted that the searing image of the drowned little boy who became the symbol for the Syrian refugee crisis in Europe was the “tip of the iceberg” that showed the world the extent of the crisis and galvanized the response.

He said that taking 20,000 refugees annually is not too many for Canada.

“Look at Germany. Look at France. Look at the U.K., what they’re committed to. Germany alone is taking in 800,000. I think if there is a political will in this and if the federal government is prepared to put the resources behind it, it is achievable.”

Vancouver Coun. Geoff Meggs said the forum will help local residents understand how they can help.

“We’re getting a lot of calls from people saying, ‘can I do a sponsorshi­p, how do I do it, where do I begin.”

He said that council’s endorsemen­t of 20,000 refugees annually by 2020 would “bring us back to where we were at our peak level in the 1980s.”

Meggs noted that sponsoring a refugee isn’t a simple undertakin­g and that tonight’s forum will help explain the process.

Meggs agreed that the image of the drowned little boy was a tipping point for people who had been following the crisis for months and that the fact he might have ended up in Vancouver, where he had relatives, was “especially devastatin­g” for locals.

 ?? PETROS GIANNAKOUR­IS/ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Syrian refugees arrive at the Greek island of Lesbos after crossing from Turkey in an overloaded dinghy.
PETROS GIANNAKOUR­IS/ASSOCIATED PRESS Syrian refugees arrive at the Greek island of Lesbos after crossing from Turkey in an overloaded dinghy.

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