Vancouver Sun

B.C. government proposes rules for safe manure use

Excess nutrients can kill fish, pollute drinking water

- LARRY PYNN lpynn@vancouvers­

After six years of study and delay, the B.C. government is moving to address the widespread problem of livestock manure and other agricultur­al waste threatenin­g the environmen­t and human health.

A Ministry of Environmen­t review is calling for new rules around how farms use manure as a fertilizer.

While noting proper applicatio­n of manure supports healthy crop growth, the review document warns excess nutrients from agricultur­al waste, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, encourage algae growth. This depletes the oxygen content of water, which can kill fish and other creatures, and can pollute human drinking water.

Suspended solids and sediments entering water from soil erosion and run-off also decrease water quality. Emissions, such as ammonia and particulat­e matter, from manure and other livestock operations, such as incinerato­rs, threaten respirator­y health, the document says.

Livestock manure and other waste can get into water through field applicatio­n, storage, and from livestock allowed access to stream banks. The leachate from wood waste, such as hog fuel, sawdust and wood chips, can also be toxic to humans and aquatic life. Among the proposals in the review: • A ban on discharge of manure and other farm waste to surface and groundwate­r. A ban on applying manure or other nutrient sources on frozen or snow-covered ground, in strong or diverting winds, on saturated soils, or on standing water.

• Continued livestock access to watercours­es in grazing areas and in seasonal feeding areas, but with management practices, such as minimizing soil erosion and distributi­on of access sites, to reduce accumulati­ons of manure.

• Compliance options could include advisories and warnings, tickets and administra­tive penalties, and, in the worst cases, prosecutio­ns.

• Provision for tougher rules in areas at especially high risk for pollution.

• Accurate and timely record keeping, which would be subject to inspection by ministry staff.

The review of the Agricultur­e Waste Control Regulation began in 2009 and led to a “policy intentions paper” in 2012 that became bogged down over farmers’ concerns. B.C. has reinvigora­ted the process and extended the deadline to Sept. 15 for comments on the proposed changes.

Minimum setback distances as set out in the regulation will continue for operations such as waste storage facilities, including 15 metres from watercours­es and 30 metres from drinking water sources.

The public can write to by Sept. 15.

 ?? MIKE PEARSON ?? Cattle erode banks and add unwanted manure at stream access points in the Fraser Valley.
MIKE PEARSON Cattle erode banks and add unwanted manure at stream access points in the Fraser Valley.

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