Vancouver Sun

Helping rescue endangered homes

Old but still good: Energy-efficiency and preservati­on are dual goals of new pilot project

- Shelley Fralic sfralic@vancouvers­

They say every little bit helps when it comes to a crisis.

For many Vancouveri­tes, the most pressing crisis in the city today is the rampant decimation of its old housing stock, of its 100-year-old arts and crafts homes in Point Grey, of its midcentury bungalows in Dunbar, of its stately heritage mansions in Shaughness­y.

In recent years, the city has been grappling with off-the-charts real estate prices, the lack of affordable housing for the middle class and a crushing wave of deep-pocket buyers, both onshore and off, who prefer their pricey plots of dirt to support all that is new and big, and thus have no compunctio­n about sending an old house to the landfill and replacing it with a character-less behemoth.

Conservati­on groups, neighbourh­ood committees and heritage enthusiast­s are working, amid much controvers­y and debate, to change the civic rules and the culture of destructio­n.

The official initiative­s to help stem the tide include the city’s Heritage Action Plan protecting pre-1940s homes through demolition disincenti­ves.

Council is also debating a temporary moratorium on demolition­s in the First Shaughness­y area.

Incentives also work, which is why the Vancouver Heritage Foundation this month announced a joint one-year pilot project with the city’s Sustainabi­lity Group and non-profit City Green Solutions to provide grants to owners of older homes looking to make improvemen­ts while reducing greenhouse gas emissions, in lieu of knocking down and building new.

As VHF executive director Judith Mosley puts it: “The sustainabl­e approach is to upgrade and retain existing homes.”

It’s an ethos long espoused by the VHF, which was founded in 1992 and has been offering a variety of heritage conservati­on grants since 1999.

The VHF is also about raising awareness, which it does throughout the year with workshops and home tours, including its annual heritage house tour and, this Saturday, its 10th annual mid- century modern tour (which includes the 1962 Danto residence designed by the late Arthur Erickson, as well as a tour of Erickson’s own home and gardens).

The VHF knows all too well how hard it is to wage the heritage retention battle in a city such as Vancouver, where economics and demographi­cs dictate growth, where about 1,000 demolition permits are issued every year and where many buyers of pricey west-side real estate don’t share an affinity for historic homes.

It’s also a reality that there are few resources for homeowners who do want to live in and preserve an older home, but are struggling with the costs of restoring and upgrading century-old structures.

Supporting the notion that the greenest house is a house already built, the $3,000 Heritage Energy Retrofit Grant is funded by the city and available for up to 20 homes. The money can be used for everything from a new heating system to windows, doors and insulation.

To qualify for the grant, the houses must be built pre-1940 and, if they are post-1940, such as a mid-century modern, they must already be on the Vancouver Heritage Register, which lists about 2,200 houses.

Once approved, an energy adviser conducts an evaluation of the home and makes recommenda­tions, the goal being improvemen­ts that don’t require major interventi­on. For instance, if a homeowner wants to keep original windows that are esthetical­ly valuable but not energy-efficient, the addition of storm windows would be an option.

One applicatio­n under considerat­ion, says Mosley, is for a 1910 Grandview-Woodland house that its owners are renovating. Insulation and windows are on their upgrade list.

“We really want to encourage people to look at making improvemen­ts to a house that really aren’t costly, with the view that these homes can continue to be good, solid homes.”

And, yes, it’s easy to say $60,000 worth of grants may sound insignific­ant and the project may just be a pilot, and that the city could be a little more generous with its taxpayer dollars on this issue, but the VHF knows baby steps still get you somewhere.

“Part of what the Vancouver Heritage Foundation is about,” says Mosley, “is to shift the culture to appreciate and enjoy the historic buildings we have, and work with them rather than replacing them.”

 ??  ?? A pilot project offers a cash incentive to restore heritage homes in Vancouver, rather than demolish them.
A pilot project offers a cash incentive to restore heritage homes in Vancouver, rather than demolish them.
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