Vancouver Sun

En français et anglais, SVP

Bilingual: Instead of having debates all in French or all in English, they should be in both, discussing national issues, not provincial ones

- Andrew Coyne

So, let’s not do that again, shall we? The French debate, as it is routinely called, was broadcast live on all the main Frenchlang­uage networks, including Radio-Canada, in the traditiona­l “consortium” manner. It had all the virtues of that approach — large reach, comprehens­ive coverage — and all the defects, notably the tendency of everyone to shout over each other.

This is not necessary, but neither is it accidental. The rules could easily be set up to prevent it — the moderator could simply be given a mute button, or perhaps a stun gun — but he or she isn’t because the people organizing these events think it makes for “great TV.” In fact, it makes for unwatchabl­e TV, especially for those watching in simultaneo­us translatio­n: not just five people talking at once, but 10.

But that’s not my complaint, because this wasn’t the French debate. It was, once again, the Quebec debate. It always is. Though Canada is officially bilingual, though there are French Canadians living in every province — more than one million of them hors Québec — the French debate traditiona­lly concerns itself neither with the issues and interests of the country at large, nor with those of French- speaking Canadians in particular, but almost entirely with those of francophon­e Quebec.

Consider the subject matter of Thursday’s debate. The leaders talked at length of how crucial it was, above all, to respect provincial jurisdicti­on; of the rules that might apply in some future referendum on secession; of the impermissi­bility of opening the dairy sector to foreign competitio­n; and, of course, of that all-important question on which the country’s fate depends — whether women should be allowed to cover their faces while swearing the citizenshi­p oath.

This is fast becoming the defining issue of the election in Quebec — the journalist Jean Lapierre says the vote there will be a virtual referendum on the niqab — in a way that it simply isn’t elsewhere. But while Canadians outside Quebec also have views on the issue, it hasn’t anything like the same saliency as it does there. There are no ads running outside the province like the Bloc Québécois’, equating the niqab to a horrible black gob of oil; no leader demanding the notwithsta­nding clause be invoked against it; no open divisions over it within the parties, like the ones wracking the NDP. Which may explain why, though unmentione­d in the English debates, the subject dominated the French debate: if not in time, then in emotional and political impact.

Even the discussion of the economy was filtered through the assumption­s of the province’s peculiarly left- leaning political culture. I can’t imagine a journalist outside Quebec taking precious time out of the section on the economy to ask about capping interest rates on credit cards. Or, as a followup, subsidizin­g green cars.

That the debate is held in Quebec is understand­able enough; that the journalist­s involved are drawn exclusivel­y from the ranks of the Quebec media, perhaps as well. No one would pretend the vast majority of francophon­es do not come from that province, or that their concerns should not be addressed. If Quebecers want to debate these things, no one’s stopping them; the parties will respond in kind.

But these are national debates, involving national leaders, in a national election: among the very few opportunit­ies anyone gets to see all the leaders close up, unfiltered and (somewhat) unscripted. The broadcaste­rs hold national licences and are subsidized, Radio-Canada in particular, by the nation’s taxpayers. They have an obligation to address themselves on these occasions to the nation as a whole, not just one province — as do the leaders.

Or if we are to have a debate for one province in this way, in which the leaders are invited to flatter local prejudices and pander to local interests, then let’s have one for each of them. Instead, we have one set of debates for the English-speaking parts of Canada, and an equal number of debates for Quebec alone.

It isn’t that we shouldn’t see the leaders debate in French, on the same basis as they do in English. Of course we should. The days when any politician could aspire to lead this country without at least a basic facility in French are long past, and rightly so.

But we do not ordinarily segregate the two languages in this way in our national politics. The point, indeed, of national politics, is to bring the two languages into contact with each other. That is why the debates in the House of Commons are conducted in both English and French, with simultaneo­us translatio­n provided for those who need it. It is why our laws are published in both languages, our court proceeding­s the same.

So why should the leaders’ debates be the exception? We’re used to simultaneo­us translatio­n. We’re good at it. We needn’t go as far as the House of Commons, where politician­s often switch back and forth between languages in a single sentence. We could merely alternate every half-hour. But with both languages represente­d, the leaders would have to address themselves to the country as a whole, not one part of it or another.

With the whole country watching, it would be easier to spot whether a leader had said the same thing in one language as the other, or what promises he had made to one group of voters, to be paid for by the rest. They would not be able to tailor their message to one section of the country, but the pressure to dance to the tune of one province’s voters — or, perhaps, one province’s media, as at present, would be the less.

Hold all the debates in both languages, then — not half the debates in one language, half in the other. This is not an Englishspe­aking country with a French quarter, but a country whose identity is both English-speaking and French-speaking, simultaneo­usly and equally. Our debates should reflect that reality.

 ?? RYAN REMIORZ / THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? From left, Bloc Quebecois Leader Gilles Duceppe, Tory Leader Stephen Harper, Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau and NDP Leader Tom Mulcair leave the set after the French-language debate Thursday in Montreal. The debate focused on Quebec, not national...
RYAN REMIORZ / THE CANADIAN PRESS From left, Bloc Quebecois Leader Gilles Duceppe, Tory Leader Stephen Harper, Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau and NDP Leader Tom Mulcair leave the set after the French-language debate Thursday in Montreal. The debate focused on Quebec, not national...
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