Vancouver Sun

Speaking for grizzlies


This fall’s government-sponsored grizzly bear trophy hunt is on though trophy hunting is becoming less palatable to people.

A new Insights West poll indicates support above 90 per cent to end the semi-annual event. In a survey of residents from all areas of the province, a meagre two per cent of respondent­s remains strongly in favour of trophy hunting.

Hunting an animal just for the sake of selfies and to take home some of its body parts to hang on a wall is incompatib­le with 21stcentur­y morals.

Though our iconic bears have the support of the vast majority of the B.C. population, the odds are still stacked heavily against them since Premier Christy Clark is more responsive to trophy hunt lobbyists who grease the palms of politician­s (A list of donations totalling tens of thousands of dollars from the Guide Outfitters Associatio­n to political parties can be viewed at the Elections BC website).

Speak up for our beautiful, iconic grizzly bears. Together we will end this outdated and unethical practice of killing grizzly bears for fun.


Christy Clark says she won’t impose any new transit tax without first receiving approval for it from the voters. She says she doesn’t want to “impose something on people they didn’t want.” But isn’t that exactly what she’s doing with B.C.’s grizzly hunt?

More than 90 per cent of British Columbians want to see an end to it, but Clark won’t oblige them because she says she doesn’t “want to do what’s popular; (she wants) to do what’s right.” What gives, Madame Premier?


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