Vancouver Sun

Baby-boom bubble already deflating

Nothing to fear: Canada’s aging population isn’t the drain on the system we were told it would be

- Douglas Todd dtodd@vancouvers­­d

Canada’s baby boomers have been the target of great discussion and fear. Worries continue to proliferat­e that Canada is becoming “a nation of old people” as the babyboom bulge enters retirement.

Alarm bells were ringing this month as the media reported on a Statistics Canada study showing the country has more people over 64 than under 15. Some raised the spectre of a “seniors tsunami.”

To be sure, the birth explosion that took place in Canada from 1947 to 1965 following the Second World War was unpreceden­ted in the West. Typical Canadian mothers were having four babies.

As a result, Canadians are repeatedly told, mantra-like, to grimly prepare for baby boomers to age: Expect government pension plans to collapse, health care to be decimated and workers to be in short supply. To prepare for the “greying crisis,” companies chopped their pension plans, government­s privatized more health care and Ottawa pushed immigratio­n rates higher.

Now it’s 2015 and a significan­t portion of the baby boom is in retirement.

The sky does not appear to have fallen. The economic troubles Canada is experienci­ng, manifested mostly in stagnant wages, have nothing to do with baby boomers.

Why the baby boom is going out with a whimper is partly explained by a Vancouver Sun interactiv­e graphic created by Chad Skelton, which tracks the ages of Canada’s almost 35 million inhabitant­s.

Viewing the graphic, I noticed the baby-boom bulge (which I’m in the middle of) does not appear to add up to much.

The baby- boom section of the graphic, now between ages 50 and 72, is not a mountainou­s bulge. It is mostly a rapidly descending staircase.

I soon took in the grim news — the baby-boom generation is already dying off. Rather quickly.

Despite relentless talk about how Canadians are living longer, I failed to notice one in 10 Canadians die before age 60. One out of five Canadians leave this mortal coil by age 70.

“When you get around 60 all these diseases start hitting you,” Daniel Stoffman, Vancouverb­ased co-author of the classic bestseller, Boom, Bust and Echo, said in a recent conversati­on.

In my own circle of babyboomer friends, I’ve sadly dealt with losses to cancer and other maladies. But I hadn’t quite realized how much their deaths constitute­d a trend line.

The upshot of the graphic, however, is despite doomsday headlines, Canadians don’t have much to worry about: The baby boom is already losing its demographi­c power.

Indeed, the new StatsCan report shows Canada has a smaller portion of seniors than most advanced countries, including all those in Western Europe. While people 65 and over make up 15 per cent of Canadians, they comprise 21 per cent of Germans and 23 per cent of Japanese.

Pension plan is solid

Still, many things have occurred because of Canadian fears of a “seniors explosion,” however exaggerate­d.

To be sure, Canada’s vaunted universal health care system is being moderately challenged as baby boomers succumb to illness. But McMaster University economist Michel Grignon is among those stressing the key to managing health costs is to reduce unnecessar­y use of expensive technology and to stand up to overchargi­ng pharmaceut­ical companies.

On the financial front, companies have also cut private pension plans, calling them unaffordab­le. But some good news is, according to Stoffman, Canada’s government pension system is solid.

Since my beat includes migration, I’ll turn most of the rest of my focus to oft-repeated claims that Canada needs high immigratio­n to replace aging boomers.

It was the key reason the federal Conservati­ve government in 2014 raised the annual immigrant intake to 275,000 from 250,000. Canada now has arguably the highest immigratio­n rate per capita of any major country in the developed world.

On the surface, replacing aging boomers with new immigrants seems to make sense. But, oddly enough, it doesn’t stand up to basic arithmetic.

To stop Canada’s population demographi­c from gradually aging, Stoffman says, “would require impossibly large increases in immigratio­n.” The United Nations has calculated the U.S. would have to hike its immigratio­n rate by an astronomic­al 10 times to do so. That’s not going to happen.

Another theoretica­l method for replacing aging boomers would be to ensure no immigrant over age 45 is allowed into Canada.

But, as Stoffman says, that’s also unthinkabl­e — especially given how Canadian politician­s promise to strengthen family reunificat­ion programs, which welcome parents and grandparen­ts.

Stoffman offers another caution that should be obvious: Immigrants themselves age. They, too, become dependent on Canada’s old age pensions and taxpayer-funded health care.

Stoffman is not alone in his analysis, which echoes leftwing Oxford University economist Paul Collier, the C.D. Howe Institute, Harvard University’s George Borjas and University of Toronto economist David Foot, the co-author of Boom, Bust and Echo.

Immigratio­n lowers wages

Reflecting on baby boomers leaving the workforce, Stoffman and others say a second widespread “myth” to be confronted is that high immigratio­n is necessary for economic growth.

He acknowledg­es it is partly true: Newcomers inflate a country’s GDP.

“Immigratio­n slightly increases the size of the economic pie, but the price of that small increase is a drop in wages.”

When Stoffman has given talks on his book on immigratio­n, Who Gets In, he finds it is predominan­tly immigrants who come up to him after to agree with him.

The settled immigrants realize new immigrants will reduce everyone’s wages. And that is what has happened: Statistics Canada reports immigrants are doing worse economical­ly than they did prior to the 1990s.

The average Canadian worker is also struggling more. Even though Metro Vancouver’s housing market is astronomic­ally expensive, University of B.C. economics Prof. Craig Riddell says B. C. and Canadian incomes are lower and more unequal, full-time employment is decreasing and jobs are more at risk.

“I think the main purpose of Canada’s high immigratio­n policy is to lower wages — and inflate real estate values,” Stoffman said.

In support of his view, he noted outgoing Vancouver planning director Brian Jackson recently said the only way to lower the cost of housing in Metro is to reduce immigratio­n levels.

The federal government used to routinely do that, Stoffman said. It changed immigratio­n levels to correspond with economic realities.

In the early 1980s, Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau cut immigratio­n levels by 25 per cent. It was not considered controvers­ial. But that adjusting stopped with Brian Mulroney.

When Stoffman was asked how he would change immigratio­n levels in light of Canada’s struggling economy, he suggested lowering it to 150,000 a year.

Alternativ­es exist to using high immigratio­n rates to counter a modestly aging population. Some are already in place.

Foot has said a key purpose of Canadian RSPs is to require aging people to slowly re-inject their savings into the economy and into tax coffers.

Since so much wealth is in the hands of rich older people, Foot also joins with billionair­e Bill Gates in recommendi­ng a fractional tax on financial transactio­ns.

Meanwhile, many northern European countries offer free daycare to encourage citizens to have more babies. And, along with Japan, countries such as Sweden and Germany have adjusted for a slightly older population by having seniors work longer and by capitalizi­ng on technology and innovation to increase productivi­ty.

Overall, there is little to fear about the aging of the babyboom generation, Stoffman says.

“Canada is never going to become a nation of seniors.”

Let’s adjust accordingl­y.

 ??  ?? Daniel Stoffman, co-author of Boom, Bust and Echo, says the government pension system is solid and Canada will not become a country of dependent seniors because of the baby-boomer generation.
Daniel Stoffman, co-author of Boom, Bust and Echo, says the government pension system is solid and Canada will not become a country of dependent seniors because of the baby-boomer generation.
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