Vancouver Sun

Drown your tax sorrows in a wine gift

- JAMIE GOLOMBEK Tax Expert Financial Post Jamie Golombek, CPA, CA, CFP, CLU, TEP, is the managing director, tax and estate planning, with CIBC Wealth Advisory Services in Toronto.

f you’re part of the one per cent, you may be drowning your sorrows this weekend over a fine bottle of Château Lafite in light of the Liberals’ looming tax increases for high-income earners. But perhaps a better use of that wine is to donate it to a charity wine auction, thus entitling you to a tax receipt for the wine’s fair market value to help offset your higher tax bill.

What is a wine’s fair market value?

That question was the subject of a recent tax case involving a wine enthusiast who, during the years under dispute, donated several bottles of wine to the Gatineau Health Foundation, a registered charity establishe­d to improve the health and wellness of members of the local Quebec community. The foundation holds an annual premium wine auction to raise funds.

The wines sold at the auction are rare and not available in stores.

All wines were appraised by Alain Laliberté, a wine appraiser and sommelier with a degree from the Faculté d’oenologie de Bordeaux.

He also holds a record for having the biggest wine label collection, totalling more than 160,000 labels.

In 2009, the taxpayer donated three bottles of wine appraised by Laliberté at $350 each and received an official donation receipt for $1,050. In 2010, he donated another three bottles appraised for a total of $1,100. In 2011, he donated seven bottles of wine for the annual auction, which had a combined appraised value of $8,550, one of which was appraised at $6,500.

Despite the formal appraisals prepared by Laliberté, the Canada Revenue Agency disputed the fair market value of the donated bottles and reduced the total value for tax purposes of the bottles donated by a factor of 3.2, which the CRA auditor explained was, on average, “three times higher than the sale price at the auction.”

The issue, therefore, to be decided by the court was whether the value of the donation receipt should be the price fetched at auction or the “fair market value,” as appraised by an independen­t wine expert.

The taxpayer, understand­ably, disagreed with the CRA’s position, arguing that applying a “gross-up” factor to the average market price of wine was “necessary … to take into account the costs to consider when a wine is only available in the United States, Europe or Asia.”

Laliberté’s appraisal procedures document lists a variety of costs included in determinin­g a ratio to apply to the market price of wine, including: customs fees, transporta­tion, storage, insurance, sales tax, various acquisitio­n fees, brokers’ fees and, “especially, the rarity of the product after 10 to 20 or 30 years of distributi­on.”

The taxpayer also argued the market price used by Laliberté was a “market value on the internatio­nal market … (and) consequent­ly, a substantia­l … markup must necessaril­y be added in Quebec.”

The judge found in favour of the taxpayer and allowed Laliberté’s appraisal values to be used for tax purposes as the CRA “filed no evidence and was unable to raise the smallest doubt about the credibilit­y of the (taxpayer’s) testimony.”

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