Vancouver Sun

Don’t retreat from life’s battlefiel­d

Swashbuckl­ing spirituali­sm: Election illustrate­d importance of joining the fray — be it personal or public

- Douglas Todd dtodd@vancouvers­­d

Can inner peace be found during the pitched battle of an election campaign? In the tumultuous weekend before election day on Monday, we found ourselves walking a series of Galiano Island trails. They are available to the public through the founders of the Sri Chinmoy Peace Park.

I’m no specialist on Sri Chinmoy, the late Indian spiritual teacher who championed athleticis­m, but I appreciate­d his community welcoming everyone to walk on its trails, which are peppered with bronze plaques containing Chinmoy aphorisms.

Most of the plaques featured generaliza­tions about love and harmony. But, after we climbed a particular­ly challengin­g hilltop, one aphorism stood out: It related to the real world, including the harsh one of democratic politics.

“Love the battlefiel­d of life / For joy is always breathing / Secretly and openly / In both your victory and your defeat.”

Most of us don’t connect elevated spiritual truths with the cut and thrust of politics, which former B.C. premier Mike Harcourt once aptly described as “war without bullets.”

But Chinmoy’s aphorism reminds us being a “spiritual” person should not lead us to avoid the inevitable conflicts of “the battlefiel­d of life.”

The West Coast’s prevailing spiritual culture of yoga, meditation and emotion-filled charismati­c Christiani­ty tends toward the individual­istic. It emphasizes the private search for happiness and inner calm, not engagement in the rough-and-tumble marketplac­e of ideas.

But we can’t all be monks, celibate and in solitude. Most of us need a spirituali­ty that keeps us connected and alive in relationsh­ips, community, the workplace, education and even politics.

I’m not denying an excessive battlefiel­d mindset can be destructiv­e, including in the dirty tricks and attack ads of election campaigns. On the other hand, the secret to life does not lie in sitting on the sidelines — avoiding all disputatio­n.

Contrary to common spiritual assumption­s, it is not a sign of inherent violence to see existence, at least in part, as a battle.

Nurture your inner warrior

Wise people have long talked about the value of diving into the fray.

“Only in battle does life take a stand,” wrote Danish spiritual and political leader Nikolaj Grundtvig, who believed struggle is the manifestat­ion of the spirit. “Life must be allowed to express itself in battle.”

The legendary Sufi poet Hafiz offered: “It is a naive man who does not think life is a fierce battle.” Hafiz was speaking not only of external conflict, but also of interior strife, the kind that suddenly awakes you at three in the morning.

Likewise, in the classic Irish hymn, Be Thou My Vision, singers ask the divine for support in clashing times: “Be thou my battle shield / sword for the fight / Be thou my dignity / Thou my delight.”

In the psychology book, King, Warrior, Magician, Lover, authors Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette recommend men and women nurture their inner “warrior”; the active, decisive and discipline­d part of themselves.

Citing how Jesus, the Jesuits and many political leaders (I’d suggest Mikhail Gorbachev, Nelson Mandela and Angela Merkel) have been in touch with their healthy warrior sides, the book applauds people who combine idealism with a strategy.

As mentioned, there can be a downside to seeing life only as a battle. It can lead to compulsion and cruelty. We saw signs in the election of politician­s exaggerati­ng their inner warrior to the point of deviously dividing people.

However, many “nice” Canadians have the opposite problem. They’re so fixated on being kind, safe and liked that they deny life often requires a battling mindset.

They can become passive puppies, allowing themselves to be pushed around in relationsh­ips and the public sphere. They are often in denial.

Some of those anti-warriors are no doubt among the 30 per cent of adult Canadians who didn’t even bother to vote in Monday’s federal election.

Some also are on campuses and elsewhere trying to stop full-blooded discussion­s about gender, economic class or ethno-cultural difference­s — or maintainin­g students need “trigger warnings” before reading the more troubling works of Shakespear­e or Margaret Atwood.

Such censorious and cautious people don’t recognize the central psychologi­cal truth that we become stronger through gradual exposure to difficult things. Not through being overprotec­ted.

Canada’s long federal election was a difficult campaign. But one of its many positive outcomes was vigorous debate of big issues.

Nothing conjures up a metaphoric­al battlefiel­d better than the concept of “debate.” And even though the term, “dialogue,” sounds sweeter, real dialogue, heartfelt exchange, is also not for the faint of heart.

But it is necessary. Truth must be tested through struggle and battle, said Grundtvig. He supported the dialectica­l approach of Socrates and Friedrich Hegel, which aims to resolve disagreeme­nt through a process of “thesis, antithesis, synthesis.”

Even though I’m urging people to jump into the battlefiel­d of life, I don’t want to minimize when it can go wrong. Canadians are right to worry about bullies and manipulato­rs in relationsh­ips, politics and on online “comments” sections.

But non-military battlefiel­ds don’t have to be bloody. There are ways to fight legitimate­ly, whether over moral conviction­s, religion, gender relations, migration, economics, politics or the future of the planet.

They require holding everyone to the rules of fair debate. That includes refraining from ad hominem attacks to demean others’ character and refusing to claim holier-than-thou positions.

Even though winning a debate or the keys to power can become an obsession, for the most part healthy competitio­n, played within rules, can foster collaborat­ion and excellence.

Peace through struggle

But how, if we embrace the tussle of the battlefiel­d, will we ever find peace?

Sri Chinmoy’s aphorism suggests joy always awaits, unexpected­ly, in the midst of struggle, in both victory and defeat.

I’m sure many of Canada’s federal political party leaders and their comrades experience­d some of that satisfacti­on in their battles well fought.

Despite my disagreeme­nts with politician­s of all kinds (and some are, unfortunat­ely, psychopath­ic and corrupt), I generally admire their willingnes­s to work to bring their ideas into action.

Unlike those on the sidelines, politician­s face the strong emotions that go with conflict. It is better than dulling difference­s of opinion with too much food, alcohol or TV consumptio­n.

It is also better than avoiding life’s scraps through too much meditation, yoga and detachment. (I appreciate how some 21st-century Buddhists monks now talk about the importance of “engaged Buddhism.”)

Harmony is not enough. Discord can be creative.

As the philosophe­r Alfred North Whitehead said in his book Adventures of Ideas, many of us associate the word “peace” with “the negative conception of anesthesia.”

Whitehead even suggested that some forms of peace may be a form of death. Coolness can be infertile if it is without passion, intensity and novelty — if it lacks the risk of new possibilit­ies.

The American philosophe­r Jay McDaniel maintains life is similar to an improvisat­ional jazz concert. Like a dialogue, or even a debate, improvisat­ional music is a constant responsive blending of mistakes, insight, beauty, competitio­n, co- operation, unpredicta­bility and discord.

In other words, life, to be experience­d fully, needs to be grasped as an adventure, bigger than us. It requires engagement and zest — and self-transcende­nce.

Deep peace emerges on the battlefiel­d of life when we let go of our preoccupat­ion with ourselves.

 ?? LUIS LOURO/FOTOLIA ?? ‘Only in battle does life take a stand,’ wrote Danish spiritual and political leader Nikolaj Grundtvig. ‘Life must be allowed to express itself in battle.’
LUIS LOURO/FOTOLIA ‘Only in battle does life take a stand,’ wrote Danish spiritual and political leader Nikolaj Grundtvig. ‘Life must be allowed to express itself in battle.’
 ?? DOUGLAS TODD ?? This plaque graces a trail in Sri Chinmoy Peace Park on Galiano Island.
DOUGLAS TODD This plaque graces a trail in Sri Chinmoy Peace Park on Galiano Island.
 ??  ??

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