Vancouver Sun


Journal entries of gorilla trekking through Rwanda and Uganda


June 30

Flight left London’s Heathrow Airport at 9 p.m., on July 29. Long flight from London to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, but didn’t get much sleep. Four-hour layover before heading on to Entebbe, Uganda. Got to Uganda at around 1 p.m. and was met by Gerald who will be our guide in the safari game drives.

Checked into the Boma Guesthouse, five minutes from the airport. Had a great dinner overlookin­g the gardens for 95,000 Ugandan shillings ($40 Cdn).

July 1

Left at 8 a.m. for a 10-hour drive to Queen Elizabeth Park. Passed through many small towns with a lot of little children, all heading for school, and lots of vendors of various materials in huts.

Just before entering the park, Sharon saw her first animal — an elephant. Later, we saw a warthog and then a couple of hippos in the lake in the distance. Checked into our lodge which overlooks the lake. Using binoculars saw a lot of buffalo on the other side of the lake.

July 2

Started our day at 6:30 a.m. with a game drive to Queen Elizabeth Park. En route, we saw two hippos on a track just off the main route. Once in the park, we encountere­d a number of Kob Antelope before coming across our first lions. Later we saw some buffaloes and warthogs. Heading back to the lodge, we spotted some elephants down by a lake in the distance and more buffalo.

After breakfast, we headed out towards Bwindi National Park, home (hopefully) of the gorillas, via another game drive in a different part of the Queen Elizabeth Park. Unique to this part of the park are climbing lions who, as their name suggests, climb trees to sleep. We spent quite a while driving around looking at all the trees and eventually spotted a male fast asleep on a branch. He only stirred briefly when one of his female companions scaled the tree to join him. We had our packed lunch with the lions resting above us.

En route to Bwindi, we came across various other animals including baboon, mongoose and a monitor lizard, together with various birds including the African fish eagle, sacred white ibis, and marabou stork.

Arrived at the Mahogany Springs lodge at 5 p.m. in glorious sunshine with a view from our room of the rainforest — home of the gorillas. Within an hour, a torrential thunder and lightning storm came through — we are going to get wet tomorrow.

July 3

Our day began at 7 a.m. with breakfast and a pickup at 7:30 a.m. to go to the start of our gorilla trek. The torrential thundersto­rm of the night before had cleared by morning and we kept our fingers crossed for a dry trek, although the weather changes in an instant here.

At the meeting point, all the trekkers (about 30-40 in total) gathered to watch a video followed by a briefing from the Bwindi Conservati­on Area Manager, David. We were then split into groups of no more than eight; each going on separate treks to find a gorilla family.

We were fortunate to be teamed with a small group of only five us two and three ladies from Los Angeles. Our main guide was Medi and we each retained the services of local porters who carried our backpacks and pulled and pushed us through the terrain as needed! We likely could have carried our own stuff, but hiring a porter helps the local community and they were all so nice. We were also accompanie­d by an armed patrol officer, just in case!

Trackers had gone out two hours before us to find the general location of where our gorilla family would likely be located. They do move around, however, so their location yesterday is only a general indicator of where they are today.

Our journey began with a jeep ride through some little villages up part way into the mountains. Later we reached the starting point of our trek and went through a tiny community with the cutest children who all wave and say hello with big smiles on their faces. Next we traversed some relatively open terrain next to a tea plantation before entering the jungle.

At the front of the group, a couple of locals armed with machetes cut a trail for us to get through the jungle. We later learned that the growth rate is so quick here, that the trail we had created would be completely grown over within two months.

The going was tough as we were constantly stepping over vines or avoiding very sharp and prickly tree branches. But not too hot or humid and not too bad for bugs. It seemed that we were just hacking our way through the jungle with no reward in sight! Every so often, our main guide would go ahead to see if we were on course. After about 1½ hours trekking, he advised that he had found the family — 10 minutes away!

Great excitement. For the last leg, we left everything with our porters (except the cameras) and round the next turn, we had our first encounter — a female, sitting barely 20 feet in front of us enjoying her morning snack.

Over the course of the next hour, we found most of the family either in the trees, bush or just hanging about. The huge silverback was the least active; the babies the most. It was an amazing experience being that close to such an endangered species. We were asked not to approach closer than seven metres to the gorillas.

When we were leaving, all in a single file, I was at the back with my porter behind me, when one of the gorillas decided to join the line and was walking right behind us. He passed me within touching distance before veering off the trail to join his family.

An unbelievab­le day.

July 4

Long drive today to Lake Mburo, some of which was over very bumpy roads and tracks including one stretch of about 10 miles of roadworks with random alternatin­g traffic and huge dust bowls.

Stopped to eat our packed lunch and carried on to Lake Mburo National Park. Enjoyed a brief game drive and saw our first zebra of the trip together with velvet monkeys, baboons, impala and antelope among others.

Carried on to the lake itself for a boat cruise during which time we saw many hippos, some crocodiles and a variety of birds.

After the boat cruise, we headed up to our tented camp which has a great view of the lake and surroundin­g area. The shower consists of one of the employees going round the back to dump a bucket of water and there is a general washing area with a sink, although no running water — just a jug of cold water and a Thermos of hot water. Counting off to July 15 when I can have a proper shower in a hotel!

July 5

Started the day at 6:45 a.m. with a two-hour guided bush walk with a couple from the Netherland­s. We saw zebra, impala, water bucks, warthogs and buffalo together with a variety of birds including eagles and vultures. Came across the remains of a zebra and a buffalo, which we were told died of natural causes before being picked clean.

Returned to the camp for breakfast and then off to begin our long haul back to Entebbe.

The camp was actually really good. Plenty of mosquito nets so no bugs, although we were constantly having to zip and unzip screens to get around the tent. Only disconcert­ing thing was the lizard that was in the toilet when I opened the lid to go to the bathroom.

Left the park around 10:30 a.m. and stopped on the Equator for lunch. Arrived at our lodge in Entebbe and had an early night after dinner to get some rest before our 3 a.m. taxi to the airport and on to Tanzania. July 15 We had a wonderful time in Tanzania and now me make our way to Rwanda. Picked up on schedule and staying at the luxurious Kigali Serena Hotel (camping for the trip now over).

Rwanda is far more developed than either Tanzania or Uganda and is the most densely populated county in Africa. It is known as the land of a thousand hills (although there are many many more) and the country is extremely hilly. July 16 We are en route to the Virungi Mountains in the northwest part of Rwanda where our gorilla trek will take place. We had lunch with one of the directors of Thousand Hills, our guides, and then headed on our 2½-hour journey through ever ascending and beautiful scenery towards the Virungi.

Our lodge is situated about 15 minutes from the start of the trek and is only about 10 km from the Ugandan border. This area is much higher and steeper than the gorilla trek Sharon and I did in Uganda and apparently these gorillas are a little bigger and darker. July 17 As before, an early start to get breakfast at 6 a.m. in time to meet with all the other trekkers at 7 a.m. We were welcomed by locals who performed musically and danced. Around 7:45 we were split into groups, each allocated a particular gorilla family and, as in Uganda, no more than eight in a group.

We were very fortunate to be teamed up with three people from Mexico — a dad, about my age, and his two sons, about our guys’ age. Once assembled in our group, we met our trekking guide, Francois who was quite the character and rejoiced in teaching us various gorilla language and encouragin­g us to replicate. After his briefing, we got back in our jeeps and headed to Mount Bisoke where our gorillas were located. This particular mountain is one of five in this range and peaks at around 12,000 feet.

We began our trek around 9 a.m. and ascended through a small local village to the start of the rainforest on the mountain.

The trail on this trek was a little more open than the one we were on in Uganda with minimal (but some) use of machetes required. The trail, however, was much more steep than the Ugandan one, which was relatively flat throughout.

Francois was an excellent guide and stopped periodical­ly to show us some native plants that the gorillas feed on. Turns out Francois was one of the porters who worked with Dian Fossey during her many years studying gorillas in the 1970s and 1980s in the region.

After just under 1½ hours hiking, our main tracker told us that the gorillas were just up the trail. Unlike in Uganda, this family of gorillas (known as Ntambara) were all grouped together in one spot. The big silverback was lying on his side taking a nap, stopping only briefly for a scratch. With him were some females, some juveniles and a couple of smaller ones including a baby. All told, there were 10 gorillas. The juveniles were the most active, constantly play fighting; one of the younger ones was particular­ly interested in us.

Toward the end of our allocated one hour stay, the silverback decided he’d better put on a show and sat up for us, posing for the cameras. Quite the sight. We began our descent, leaving the family behind but had barely gone 20 metres when we had a farewell guard of honour from two blackbacks sitting on either side of the trail no more than 10 feet from us.

Once again, another amazing experience; this one at around 10,000 feet and we were again so fortunate that the tropical rains did not show up. We got back to our lodge around 2 p.m. in time for lunch, showers and a restful afternoon as we prepare for tomorrow’s drive back to Kigali and on to South Africa.

Additional informatio­n:

• Our individual cost (excluding flights) worked out to approximat­ely 2,350 pounds sterling per person for the seven days in Uganda (including permits) and 1,700 pounds sterling per person for the three days in Rwanda (including permits).

• Helps to be in reasonably good shape (I’m 61 and had no trouble) but don’t have to be an Olympic athlete. If you have a reasonable level of fitness, you should be good to go. One thing to keep in mind is that these treks are at altitude, which makes it a little more tiring. But not a big deal. Guides go at a pace that suits the group with plenty of stops and the porters carry all your stuff. The mix of trekkers ranges from the late 20s to mid 60s. Some treks are more difficult than others and I think they group the parties according to age and fitness. Our treks were classified as in the middle range and were fine. They will not let you trek if you are sick (colds, flu etc.) on the day as the gorillas are susceptibl­e to our diseases but have no immunity to some.

• We didn’t feel concerned or scared at any point in the entire trek. The guides go through ahead of time what to expect and how to react to a gorilla approachin­g.

• Rwanda is more developed than Uganda and is the most densely populated African country. It’s only 26,000 square kilometres and is known as the land of 1.000 hills for good reason. Again, the people are so nice and it is now classified as one of the safest countries in Africa. The scenery is beautiful. There are limited game drives in Rwanda but in addition to the gorillas, it is home to chimpanzee­s.

 ?? TOM JAMIESON ?? Lions enjoy napping in the trees in Queen Elizabeth Park.
TOM JAMIESON Lions enjoy napping in the trees in Queen Elizabeth Park.
 ??  ??
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Gorillas live in family groups.
Gorillas live in family groups.
 ?? PHOTOS: TOM JAMIESON ?? A mother tends to her offspring.
PHOTOS: TOM JAMIESON A mother tends to her offspring.
 ?? TOM JAMIESON ?? An early morning bush walk enabled our trekkers to see zebra, impala, water bucks, warthogs and buffalo along with a variety of birds.
TOM JAMIESON An early morning bush walk enabled our trekkers to see zebra, impala, water bucks, warthogs and buffalo along with a variety of birds.
 ?? TOM JAMIESON ?? Hippopotam­us come on land during the night to feed.
TOM JAMIESON Hippopotam­us come on land during the night to feed.
 ?? TOM JAMIESON ?? Hippopotam­us spend most of their days submerged in water.
TOM JAMIESON Hippopotam­us spend most of their days submerged in water.

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