Vancouver Sun

Diabetes rates soar in aboriginal population

Access to healthy foods lacking on reserves, report says


First Nations are bearing the brunt of “an epidemic of the 21st century” with diabetes rates three to five times higher than the rest of the population, says a report from the Canadian Diabetes Associatio­n.

Reserves in particular — but also other low-income communitie­s — need better access to affordable, healthy foods, says the report, released Monday in Vancouver. On-reserve diabetes rates hover around 15 per cent, and are as high as 25 per cent in some cases. The disease is showing up more in children, too.

Poor diets high in fat, sugar and refined foods have contribute­d to 74 per cent of adults and 43 per cent of youth being overweight or obese on some reserves.

The report advocates a return to appropriat­e traditiona­l foods, particular­ly in remote areas. Testing and treatment also need to improve to avoid complicati­ons such as heart disease, kidney failure and limb amputation­s that are more prevalent among aboriginal people.

Dr. Evan Adams, chief medical officer with the First Nations Health Authority, agrees diabetes is a “large-scale problem” among B.C. First Nations, noting it needs to be addressed on several fronts.

“There’s no simple solution. Just a few things we need to do are related to food quality and safe places for people to get good physical activity. Also, we need medical interventi­on because we know that good medical care reduces mortality and complicati­ons like amputation­s and blindness,” Adams said.

He noted diseases like diabetes are common in indigenous groups throughout the world.

“It’s almost certainly related to their living conditions, and we know from the U.S. as well that diabetes is very often connected to rates of poverty.”

However, he said B.C.’s First Nations fare better than their counterpar­ts across Canada.

“Our rates are not as bad as they are nationally. B.C. First Nations are doing particular­ly well compared to other First Nations. But it’s absolutely still a large-scale problem. The scope of it is enormous.”

There are now 3.3 million Canadians with diabetes, making up 8.9 per cent of the population.

The numbers have continued to climb since the turn of the century, from 1.2 million in 2000 to 2.4 million in 2010.

Rates of Type 1 diabetes — an autoimmune condition that leads to inadequate insulin production in the body — have remained steady. It’s Type 2 diabetes, largely caused by an aging, overweight and inactive population, that’s now responsibl­e for most cases of the disease. Left uncontroll­ed, both create high blood sugar levels that damage the body from head to toe.

Direct health care costs total about $3 billion a year, the report says, projected to grow by more than 40 per cent in the next decade.

Dr. Jan Hux, chief science officer for the Canadian Diabetes Associatio­n, says stigma is an emerging issue surroundin­g the disease.

Research shows people with and without the disease blame individual­s for developing Type 2 diabetes. That shows many people know it is linked to being overweight, inactive and eating unhealthy foods. But not all people with diabetes are overweight, says Hux, and many have a genetic predisposi­tion to it.

Being poor in Canada can also mean not having access to affordable nutritious food.

“Once a person has diabetes, we shouldn’t be blaming them for it because we can’t know for that individual whether it was genetic or whether lifestyle was a contributi­ng factor.

“And we know lifestyle choices aren’t always free choices. A person might live in an unwalkable neighbourh­ood that’s also a food desert. They have low income and are restricted to shopping at the local minimart where there are no healthy food choices,” Hux says.

Other report highlights:

• People with diabetes are three times more likely to be hospitaliz­ed for cardiovasc­ular disease (including heart attack, stroke and narrowing of arteries) than people without diabetes; 12 times more likely to be hospitaliz­ed with end-stage renal disease; and more than 20 times more likely to be hospitaliz­ed for amputation.

• Thirty-three per cent of people with diabetes say they hesitate to tell others about their diabetes because of stigma or discrimina­tion; 15 per cent of people with diabetes say they’ve experience­d discrimina­tion.

• Symptoms of depression are found in up to 30 per cent of people with diabetes.

• People with low incomes find the extra cost of blood sugar tests and medication to be prohibitiv­e: 40 per cent of those earning less than $35,000 per year said they were unable to adhere to their treatment because of cost. Forty-five per cent reported choosing between buying food or paying rent and buying their medication­s; 18 per cent said they did not fill their prescripti­ons because of the cost.

• Foot complicati­ons from diabetes (which reduces circulatio­n to the feet and can create painful nerve damage) are more common among lowerincom­e earners. About 28 per cent of those earning less than $50,000 reported poor circulatio­n, compared to 14 per cent of people earning more than $50,000.

The report recommends:

• Preventing diabetes and its complicati­ons in aboriginal communitie­s.

• Reducing the stigma related to diabetes.

• Supporting children with diabetes in school.

• Improving diabetes foot care.

 ?? BILL KEAY/PNG FILES ?? Dr. Evan Adams says diabetes is a ‘large-scale problem’ for Canadians and First Nations in particular.
BILL KEAY/PNG FILES Dr. Evan Adams says diabetes is a ‘large-scale problem’ for Canadians and First Nations in particular.

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