Vancouver Sun


Provincial chief judge’s report supports restrictin­g public access


The B.C. Provincial Court is continuing its paternalis­tic ways, protecting us from the evils of gossip and vigilante justice on the Internet.

Once again we have an example of how Canadian courts are great at touting the open court principle, not so good about living up to it.

Provincial Chief Judge Thomas Crabtree doesn’t think we deserve ready online access to public court files: We can’t be trusted.

He has produced a report that concludes we should be forced to visit the courthouse if we know where a case was heard to learn about its outcome — modern technology be damned.

“On balance, the need to protect individual­s who have not been convicted from misuse of court record informatio­n outweighs the desirabili­ty of broad online public access to informatio­n about such cases and the individual­s affected,” Crabtree said.

During the summer and fall last year, the chief judge asked for submission­s about criminal case informatio­n available through Court Services Online and he got 60 responses from media and others. He calls that “a broad public consultati­on” and “a broad range of opinions with respect to how privacy interests should properly intersect with the open court principle.”

I’d say it sounds like the deck was stacked.

First, the open court principle includes both the right to be present in the courtroom and the right to access court records and docket informatio­n; second, the right to open criminal courts trumps privacy interests outside of exceptiona­l and very specific circumstan­ces where a concrete harm can be identified.

The court has been blocking electronic access to informatio­n about cases where there has been a withdrawal of charges, an acquittal or dismissal of a charge; where a stay has been entered, no informatio­n is available online after a year.

As a result, for instance, reporters couldn’t learn online that years before being charged with the pig farm murders, Robert Pickton had been accused of a violent offence and that charge was stayed.

There was strong public interest in that informatio­n but unless you knew the case existed, and the registry, as a journalist you were out of luck uncovering it.

The only argument against online access is a scare tactic — that it would fuel gossip, feed busybodies and fan concerns about de facto vigilante justice. But has that ever happened? Can anyone name a case?

Imagine, too, Crabtree said, some landlords were using the online system to determine the suitabilit­y of potential tenants. Again, some examples would be useful.

The chief judge says he is concerned about the negative inferences that could be drawn from a criminal charge regardless of outcome. But is the chance that some people might misuse informatio­n reason enough to block those with a legitimate interest from gaining ready access to it?

We have a panoply of defamation, slander and libel laws in Canada to protect people’s reputation­s.

If Crabtree thinks they need updating, then let’s talk about that, but why would we compromise the open court principle because someone might abuse it?

To me the issue is a no-brainer — if it’s a public document, it should be available electronic­ally; I shouldn’t have to travel a considerab­le distance to physically visit a court registry.

Individual­s and organizati­ons, Crabtree said, “provided spirited and compelling arguments … that proceeding­s in public courts should be made available in the broadest way possible with existing technology.”

But he swept those submission­s aside.

Let’s be clear — you can go down and inspect the criminal case file, take notes and do what you will with the informatio­n; all Crabtree is limiting is ready access via the Internet.

After a lot of lip service to the open court principle, Crabtree sided with those who would

restrict public access to informatio­n under the banner of protecting privacy.

He decided to continue blocking informatio­n on criminal acquittals, dismissals and withdrawal­s after 30 days, access to stays of proceeding­s after one year from issuance of the stay, and access to informatio­n on peace bonds after they have expired.

The 17 registries across the province will continue to provide in-person access.

Instead of proposing increased penalties if needed for those misusing court informatio­n, Crabtree hobbled public access for those with a legitimate interest.

Respect for the open court principle? Hardly.

 ?? JASON PAYNE/PNG/FILES ?? B.C. Provincial Chief Judge Thomas Crabtree has produced a report about what criminal case informatio­n should be available through Court Services Online following a “broad public consultati­on.”
JASON PAYNE/PNG/FILES B.C. Provincial Chief Judge Thomas Crabtree has produced a report about what criminal case informatio­n should be available through Court Services Online following a “broad public consultati­on.”
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