Vancouver Sun

B.C. businesses doing their part for environmen­t

On Earth Day, we can take pride in our collective efforts to do business in a sustainabl­e way, write Tiffany and Daniel Andrew

- Tiffany and Daniel Andrew are the co-founders of Two Birds Apparel in Vancouver.

Each year, on April 22, we celebrate Earth Day — an opportunit­y to demonstrat­e support and reflect on our collective efforts for environmen­tal protection. This year, Earth Day carries additional significan­ce, as up to 155 countries, including the world’s leading economies, are expected to sign the landmark Paris Climate Treaty. The Paris accord is one of the most ambitious environmen­tal agreements yet, and the support of global economic leaders signals a growing recognitio­n the business community has a critical role to play in addressing climate change. The G7 nations, which account for roughly 46 per cent of global GDP, have all indicated they intend to sign the treaty, signalling that economic growth and environmen­tal protection are no longer mutually exclusive. Companies worldwide are embracing sustainabl­e practices, and the B.C. community should be proud that we are at the forefront of this fundamenta­l shift.

Businesses are increasing­ly realizing that sustainabi­lity is essential to gaining public trust, generating increased stakeholde­r and shareholde­r confidence, and ensuring the long-term stability of an enterprise.

The Paris accord underscore­s this new reality, where businesses must account for and mitigate their environmen­tal impacts. Companies that do not address this will face increased uncertaint­y that can threaten the viability of their operations and, ultimately, their bottom line.

We need look no further than our own backyard for evidence of this change. The environmen­t has always been, and will continue to be, one of this province’s most prized assets — and the B.C. business community is proof that an

The B.C. business community is proof that an economy can thrive while also minimizing environmen­tal impacts.

economy can thrive while also minimizing environmen­tal impacts. According to The Conference Board of Canada, in 2016, B.C. is projected to lead all provinces in GDP growth at 2.7 per cent, driven by a diversifie­d economy that, unlike other jurisdicti­ons, is not overly reliant on resource-sector activity.

As owners of a local small business, we take great pride in advancing our economy and protecting the environmen­t. Two Birds has grown 25 per cent over the past two years by producing quality clothing made from responsibl­y sourced materials. All our apparel is made from environmen­tally preferable materials, which are either certified Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) or OEKO-TEX standard 100 — meaning materials meet leading environmen­tal, social and human ecology criteria.

We also limit greenhouse gas emissions by keeping our supply chain local, as most of our fabric is knitted and dyed within 100km of our manufactur­ing facility in Canada, and by using preferred supply chain partners that share our commitment to the environmen­t. For example, much of the raw materials used in our fabrics are sourced from overseas markets. Kendor Textiles, one of our suppliers and another local B.C. business, imports more than 700,000 metres of sustainabl­e fabrics, worth $4 million, through the Port of Vancouver each year.

As part of its approach to sustainabi­lity, the port authority offers reduced harbour rates to vessels that surpass internatio­nal emissions standards, implements habitat enhancemen­t programs for local fish and wildlife, and recently launched the ECHO initiative to mitigate potential impacts of shipping activity on the southern resident killer whale population.

Overall, the B.C. business community, including our supply chain partners and the port, are helping build a sustainabl­e local economy.

So this Earth Day, as the Paris accord is signed, we have an opportunit­y to reflect on global progress toward sustainabi­lity.

We also have a chance to highlight the B.C. business community, which has demonstrat­ed that economic growth and environmen­tal protection are compatible — and increasing­ly complement­ary — goals for modern society.

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