Vancouver Sun

We’re in second place on social progress


OTTAWA • If more of us would only use cellphones, Canada might be the best country in the world.

As it stands, we’re a not-too-shabby second on the newly released 2016 social progress index, trailing only Finland and far ahead of the United States, a much richer nation that staggers in at No. 19.

The index, published by the Social Progress Imperative, a U.S.-based non-profit, uses 53 indicators to measure such things as health care, housing, policing, personal rights and tolerance in 133 countries. Canada ranks first or ties for first on 13 of those indicators.

“Canada is unequivoca­lly one of the world’s most socially progressiv­e countries and one of the best countries in the world to live,” said Michael Green, the index’s director.

We might even have knocked off those pesky Finns for first overall but for a 25th-place ranking on access to informatio­n and communicat­ions, a score depressed by our seriously low level of cellphone subscripti­ons (we rank 102nd globally).

“That’s a very simple aspect of social progress to fix,” Green said. “Many other countries, much poorer than Canada, have got much better levels of mobile phone subscripti­ons.”

Here’s a closer look at the index and Canada’s ranking on it:


Canada ranks first in the world in access to advanced education, due in part to our 27 globally ranked universiti­es, the high number of college students who go on to study at top universiti­es (47 per cent) and the number of years women spend in school (an average of 15.5). “Canada’s a clear No. 1 there,” Green said.

We have the lowest level of violent crime and lead the world when it comes to religious tolerance. Tolerance, in fact, is one of our strong suits: we’re second-best in our view of immigrants and third most tolerant toward homosexual­s.

Though we’re No. 2 on personal rights, we scored first on all but one of the indicators that make up that measure, including political rights, freedom of speech and freedom of assembly.


Aside from our low number of cellphones, we also lag on the environmen­tal quality measure, ranking 32nd overall — second to last among G7 countries, ahead of only the U.S. We’re dragged down by high greenhouse gas emissions (77th) and poor protection of our biodiversi­ty and habitat (90th).

As in many countries, obesity is an issue in Canada, though we’re doing OK — 13th in the world — on the broader health and welfare measure.

“Every country in the world is struggling with the issue of obesity,” Green said.


Hard to say. We were No. 5 last year, but methodolog­ical changes mean the 2016 index is not comparable to the one in 2015. Besides, the top 12 countries are quite tightly clustered.


While social progress broadly increases with GDP per capita, Green said, “GDP is not the whole story. There are a whole bunch of other things that matter.”

“If you’re a policy-maker,” he said, “having a social policy index to sit alongside your GDP figures can actually help you understand when and how economic growth is being turned into social progress.”

With Canada gearing up for its sesquicent­ennial in 2017, adopting the index would “fit in quite nicely with what Canada wants to be in the future,” Green said.

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