Vancouver Sun


Let’s be proud of our defining creatures, Randy Boswell writes.

- Randy Boswell is a former Ottawa Citizen writer who teaches journalism at Carleton University in Ottawa.

Thank you First Nations, Métis and Inuit, explorers and pioneers, Fathers of Confederat­ion, and successive waves of immigrants: You made the nation we celebrate this Canada Day.

But you couldn’t have done it without a menagerie of iconic beasts that supplied food and clothing, became economic staples, made it possible to clear trees and till the land — then attracted tourists and filmmakers.

This July 1, we should spare some gratitude for the nonhumans that helped create Canada. We’ve already got A People’s History. How about Canada: The Critters’ Tale?

Ice Age megafauna led the first humans to this continent some 15,000 years ago, and assorted beasts — Arctic tern, salmon, bear, seal — provided physical and spiritual sustenance to the hundreds of indigenous cultures that eventually thrived and spread from sea to sea to sea.

As one Canadian researcher concluded in a 2013 study of the carved burial objects of Newfoundla­nd’s Beothuk people, seabirds such as the Great Auk were a critical source of “food and food for thought” — nutrition and cosmology — for hundreds of years before both the penguin-like species and the proud culture it enriched vanished in the 19th century.

Animals drew the first Europeans to Canada, too, with immense offshore harvests of North Atlantic right whales and cod setting the stage for an interior fur trade empire built on the back, literally, of a certain industriou­s, bucktoothe­d rodent.

Any nation is a human construct. No surprise we Homo sapiens canadensis engage in much mutual back-patting — along with face-painting and, alas, pig-roasting — to celebrate the yearly anniversar­y of the 1867 founding of our “Dominion of Canada.”

But pause a moment to reflect on that line from Psalm 72, “He shall have dominion also from sea to sea,” the source of Canada’s official motto and its formal title at Confederat­ion. The Book of Genesis also declares humankind’s “dominion over the fish of the sea,” “the fowl of the air,” “the cattle (and) every other creeping thing” on Earth.

The Bible itself taught our forebears that building nations required that humans dominate the animal world to achieve dominion. While that’s one way of looking at this nation’s past, another is to humbly pay tribute to the galloping, soaring, swimming things that helped us build Canada, even if they were oblivious to the great cause for which they were exploited, sacrificed and sometimes extinguish­ed.

We don’t adequately appreciate the hoofed, feathered and finny creatures that deserve a greater share of our national pride. Let’s remember Laura Secord, sure — but give a nod, too, to her cow.

Here are 10 animals — although there are many more — that deserve credit for the part they’ve played in creating Canada: Mammoth: These woolly proboscide­ans, extinct for millennia, thrived across the Beringian land bridge that linked Asia to northwest North America — now Alaska and Yukon — when the glaciers were still retreating. They were chief among the big-game animals pursued by ex-Asian hunters who first peopled this hemisphere and became the ancestors of indigenous nations throughout the Americas. Seal: Some scientists believe even earlier migrations occurred along the Pacific Coast by maritime peoples subsisting on marine mammals such as seals, whose skins were also used to fashion the trailblaze­rs’ boats. Ancestral Inuit who followed thousands of years later across the Arctic roof of North America likewise depended on seals to establish their enduring place in the New World. Bison: For thousands of years before the near-destructio­n of the species in the 19th century, the classic “buffalo” of the interior plains was central to the existence of many First Nations, providing meat, hides and a sacred symbol that anchored spiritual life. The voyageurs key to connecting Canada’s vast interior to the east survived on pemmican made from buffalo and berries, and Métis culture flourished around this once-plentiful species. Whale: Canada was an oil superpower centuries before Alberta struck it rich with black gold. Basque whalers establishe­d huge rendering operations in 16th-century Labrador to supply fuel for Europe’s lamps. From Atlantic to Pacific to Arctic, right, bowhead and grey whales have been hunted for oil and baleen. Cod: Anglo-Italian explorer John Cabot famously described Canadian waters so rich with cod that brimming baskets of the fish could be scooped up from the side of his ship. The riches of the cod fishery were a major spur to the European settlement and developmen­t of Atlantic Canada. But like other staple commoditie­s sourced by nature and relentless­ly exploited, the cod population eventually crashed and the struggle for recovery continues. Beaver: It’s a dam-builder extraordin­aire. But it’s also recognized as Canada’s pre-eminent non-human nation-builder, its lush pelt so valued it served as a substitute currency at the height

Back in the months leading up to the Vancouver 2010 Olympics — what would eventually become the world’s first social media Games — people had the idea that social media was ‘the people’s media.’ Graeme Menzies We don’t adequately appreciate the hoofed, feathered and finny creatures that deserve a greater share of our national pride. Let’s remember Laura Secord, sure — but give a nod, too, to her cow. RANDY BOSWELL, essay writer

of the fur trade. It’s depicted on Canada’s first postage stamp and is still jingling in our pockets on the nickel. Horse: Transport yourself to pioneer-era Canada and try to imagine hauling felled trees from the bush, plowing the land or getting to church on time without horses. On second thought, don’t bother. It’s unimaginab­le. Caribou: A keystone species in northern ecosystems across Canada and a key food for many indigenous nations throughout the country’s history. Like the beaver, it has a place of pride on a Canadian coin — the quarter — but is frequently mistaken for the moose. Wolf/Dog: From the husky teams essential to traditiona­l Inuit life to today’s service dogs and family pets, we owe Fido a pat and a head scratch. Plus our longest-serving prime minister, William Lyon Mackenzie King, couldn’t have functioned without his confidant and companion, an Irish terrier named Pat. Passenger pigeon: It’s been gone for more than a century, the poster-bird of extinction in North America. But these pigeons, once so numerous their flocks blackened skies, were a significan­t source of food for many people in early Canada — and the name of the popular Canadian meat dish tourtière is actually believed to be derived from the French term for the species. But perhaps the passenger pigeon’s most enduring legacy is the cautionary tale it tells about what can happen when a people fail to respect and protect the animals they live with — and rely on.

 ?? PETE FISHER ?? The beaver is Canada’s pre-eminent non-human nation-builder, its lush pelt so valued it served as a substitute currency at the height of the fur trade. Its image graced Canada’s first postage stamp and is still jingling in our pockets on the nickel coin.
PETE FISHER The beaver is Canada’s pre-eminent non-human nation-builder, its lush pelt so valued it served as a substitute currency at the height of the fur trade. Its image graced Canada’s first postage stamp and is still jingling in our pockets on the nickel coin.

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