Vancouver Sun


Debating ethics in science


In Toronto, owing to the marvels of artificial procreatio­n, a mother who qualifies for the seniors menu at Denny’s is raising a 19-month-old toddler.

The now 57-year-old postmenopa­usal woman’s unnatural conception — made possible using eggs purchased from a much younger donor — raised eyebrows when reported last year, even among doctors in a field that routinely pushes the biological limits of child-bearing.

But now, as more older women pursue motherhood, Canada’s fertility doctors and ethicists are asking: when is old too old?

Egg donation has made it possible for virtually any woman with a functionin­g uterus, regardless of age, to carry a baby using eggs from a younger woman.

But a new Canadian guideline under developmen­t for women of “advanced maternal age” seeking infertilit­y treatments will explore whether it’s safe — or ethical — to impregnate a woman well into her 50s, or beyond.

There are no legal upper age limits for egg donation recipients in Canada.

The nation’s for-profit fertility industry says women aged 50 to 60 who conceive using donor eggs (or, if the egg is fertilized, donor embryos) can achieve “acceptable outcomes,” based on the limited science that exists, although they are at slightly higher risk of preeclamps­ia (rapid and potentiall­y life-threatenin­g high blood pressure) and gestationa­l diabetes, especially so after age 55.

In the U.S., the American Society for Reproducti­ve Medicine says egg or embryo donation should be discourage­d after 55, and “discourage­d or denied” in any woman over 50 with underlying health issues that could increase pregnancy-related risks.

Canada’s fertility doctors, however, say that ultimately they might not agree on any specific age cutoff.

“It’s a complicate­d topic,” said Dr. Jeffrey Roberts, president-elect of the Canadian Fertility and Andrology Society and medical director for the Pacific Centre for Reproducti­ve Medicine in Burnaby, B.C.

“We’re getting requests and situations where ethically, we’re a little bit torn.”

Dalhousie University bioethicis­t and feminist philosophe­r Angel Petropanag­os says the argument against older mothers, especially, runs deep.

Critics have described post-menopausal mothers as “gross, unnatural and selfish,” Petropanag­os wrote last year in Assisted Reproducti­on, Law & Policy — “bad” mothers who are flaunting “the social norms surroundin­g motherhood — where the good mother is construed as young, beautiful, energetic and selfless.”

“There’s a lot more social disapprova­l, it seems, against older mothers than older fathers,” Petropanag­os said in an interview.

Others argue advances in assisted conception are simply levelling the reproducti­ve playing field between men and women, she said. In an era of reproducti­ve freedom, the argument holds, why should women be de- nied what has long been the purview of men, if the science now makes pregnancy past the natural dictates of menopause possible?

This much is true: while still small, the number of babies born to women 50 and older in Canada is increasing. From 2010 to 2012, there were 145 live births to women aged 50 and older, compared with 15 such births from 2001 to 2003, according to Statistics Canada.

No one can say absolutely that each of those births involved a donor egg. How- ever, there are very few “own egg” pregnancie­s reported past the age of 47, even when helped along with in vitro fertilizat­ion, said Dr. Ari Baratz, chair of the Ontario Medical Associatio­n’s reproducti­ve biology section.

Baratz is a reproducti­ve endocrinol­ogist and infertilit­y specialist at CReATe Fertility Centre in Toronto — the same clinic that helped the Toronto woman give birth in 2014 at age 56 using donor eggs and donor sperm.

Baratz, who was not the woman’s doctor, said it’s believed she and her son are doing well. “We have not heard otherwise.”

It’s not known whether she is the oldest Canadian woman to deliver after donor egg IVF. In Canada, clinics aren’t obligated to collect or report such statistics.

In India, 72-year-old Daljinder Kaur, who gave birth in May to a healthy boy using anonymous donor eggs, may now hold the world title.

Baratz said women over 50 are seeking assisted reproducti­on for different reasons. For some, “life got in the way and they decided to make babies later,” he said. “Some are in new relationsh­ips and they’re trying to build a child that’s unique to that relationsh­ip.” Others are single.

Many Canadian clinics follow the U.S. cutoff, Baratz said. Others use a combined age formula — for example, the couple’s combined ages can’t exceed 110. “If you look at the LGBT community as well, we have to be consist- ent,” Baratz said. “We want some kind of caregiver for this child. Even if it’s samesex females or same-sex males, you’d like to know that at least one of them is going to be around longer.”

In Quebec, most fertility clinics draw the line closer to the natural age of meno- pause (51 or 52), provided the woman is in good health, said Dr. Neal Mahutte, medical director of the Montreal Fertility Centre.

“Ultimately I think we all recognize that the concept of stopping treatment at a certain point makes sense,” he said. “The tricky part is where, exactly, to draw the line, given that any cutoff, no matter where it’s drawn, is on some level arbitrary.”

Baratz and others said older mothers can have a greater level of maturity, patience and tolerance than younger mothers.

But prominent bioethicis­t Arthur Caplan argues too many older would-be parents are being deluded by the “television optimism” of aging and the messages telegraphe­d by celebritie­s such as the newly pregnant Janet Jackson, who turned 50 in May. “Of course, what isn’t said is, ‘I have seven nannies and a chauffeur,’ ” said Caplan, head of medical ethics at New York University’s Langone Medical Center. (Jackson has not said if she used IVF or donor eggs, but according to fertility experts, the monthly chances of natural conception drops to below one in 1,000 by age 45.)

While people are living longer, they don’t necessaril­y avoid the ravages of old age. “The odds are that you will encounter a health problem that is very significan­t over 65,” Caplan said.

In addition, older couples seeking donor egg IVF also tend to choose to use the male partner’s sperm. However, growing evidence is linking advanced paternal age (50 or more) with chromosoma­l abnormalit­ies such as Down syndrome, as well as an increased risk of autism and schizophre­nia.

Caplan says he isn’ t against parenting by older people. “I know it happens. And for men, they can get things to happen in the bedroom at any age, and you aren’t going to police them,” he said.

“But it’s basically the principle of, protect the best interests of the child,” Caplan said.


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 ?? NARINDER NANU/AFP/GETTY IMAGES ?? Daljinder Kaur gave birth to a healthy boy at age 72, and may hold a world record for the feat.
NARINDER NANU/AFP/GETTY IMAGES Daljinder Kaur gave birth to a healthy boy at age 72, and may hold a world record for the feat.

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